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Hello from Michigan! New to the fourms!

They don't make truck beds like they used to!
Yea 5.5-6 foot truck bed what a joke. 11 foot jet ski but hey no one tailgating me
So just looking at the jet ski the coils are just pushed in no screw to secure them. Is this just going to be a swap with mounts or is there a lot I'm going to have to do??
well not bad for one guy (2 friends cancel) have the jetski engine in the boat nothing hooked up.


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More views of the blown engine. Looks like scrap metal. So I don't think the jet ski ecu is going to work in the boat. The spark plug coils on the boat come from the ecu and on the jetski they do not so I still might need a boat ecu...........


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Welcome Blues! I'm up in fenton and we've been boating on Lake Fenton now for 7 years. Love our yamaha!
Well just a update for you guys. Engine is in and found out I still needed a new ecu ordered it. Put it in the thing runs great. So what happend was at some time the ecu got wet and injector 3 was stuck on flooded the engine and blew it.


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Well just a update for you guys. Engine is in and found out I still needed a new ecu ordered it. Put it in the thing runs great. So what happend was at some time the ecu got wet and injector 3 was stuck on flooded the engine and blew it.
Just in time for the holiday weekend. Glad it all worked out in the end.
What did the ECU cost you?
@buckbuck I wanted a brand new one and payed more then some sites I think it was 1100 on Amazon but I had a 500 gift card on there so I wanted to use it.