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Hello from Michigan! New to the fourms!

image.jpg Thanks biglar155! So good news!! I took the boat to the lake and she floats and runs!! No water in the bilge after a couple hours on the water and docked while eating. Starboard engine takes a couple seconds to start after shutting down and restarting port side right away. And at about 7500rpm port side and star board was about 7000. Full throttle port side 10k starboard 9k maybe loose throttle cable? After shutting down I can see a small pool maybe the size of a kitchen plate of oil/gas behind the boat?? Other then that I'm so excited!! Got new plugs oil oil filter for tomarrow!! And mph does not work

Here's my thoughts:

Speedometer: Could be a broken or plugged pickup line. Either way, it won't work. You're better off with a GPS anyway. Even when it "works" it isn't that accurate. I usually ignore mine. Those more affluent than I remove it and replace it with Perfect Pass Stargazer speed control.

Plugs: Be sure to put anti-seize on the threads.

Oil: Empty the oil-sucker before beginning. Measure what you take out of each engine. Put exactly that amount back in each (assuming oil level is good). You WILL get different amounts out of each engine. (Again: It's goofy.)

Throttle cables: Need adjustment. Mine were fine so I'm not intimately familiar with the procedure but this is pretty common. Do a search here and you'll get info.

Not sure about the little bit of gas/oil behind the boat. Others will have to chime in on that one.

Take your time, do your research and all will be well.
My experience with the sheen behind the boat is the need of spark plugs. I think you will find that issue and your hard starting to be resolved when you change them.
In the pic it looks like the bow is not fully seated on the roller. Looks like a nice Yammi. We just bought ours about 3 weeks ago and it is the same color. Your have less decals and it looks nice that way.

A heads up..I was trailering last weekend and the right rear bunk became unattached and turned sideways. No damage to the boat fortunately. That was on my checklist for my first time out to check while it was in the water but our lake is up and docks unaccessable so I couldn't. I had to do a temp repair at the campground.
That will be my next project when the rain stops, replacing all bunks, bunkcarpet and galvanized lag screws.
Well guys 3-4 days on the lake/ownership I think I had a bad day........ I don't even know what to say.


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Holy hell, there's not supposed to be a window there! What happened? Err...I mean, I know what happened, but how?
Well that engines oil smelled like gas a little so I change the plugs and did a oil change did seem like I got a lot of oil out so I was going to drive it for the day and and change it again..... Didn't make it that far... What's my best bet?? Full engine swap??? Sigh
Sorry I don't have any suggestions. I'm busy picking my jaw up off the desk.

That sucks.

Try to look at the bright side: No one got hurt.

A bitter salve for the wound I know, but it's just a machine. It can be fixed.

For what it's worth, we feel for ya. I guarantee everyone on the board that looks at those pics will have the same reaction as @veedubtek : "Holy Hell!"
Definitely looking at a full engine swap. If anything at all is even salvageable, it wouldn't be cost effective to try really. Someone else on here recently bought a waverunner for what I assume was cheap just for the engine, I'd probably start by looking into that.

You mention the oil was overfull. How was it running? I'm not familiar enough with the MR1 and it's engine management to really guess what happened with any authority, but my gut tells me your injector(s) were held open for one reason or another, and all the excess fuel found it's way past the rings. Too much gas dilluted the oil, lubricity lost, and chucked a rod.

If that indeed is the case, I'd still be questioning why. Hopefully someone more familiar with these will chime in. If not, I'd be replacing the ECM as well. Another reason to maybe find a ski for parts.
Reading through your other posts now, I'm guessing this happened to the starboard engine? Makes sense with some of the other symptoms/problems you posted. And an extreme rarity based on my research.
Engine was a hard start. Running... Was ok/good was only getting 8-9k full throttle today. Looks like some good engines on sbt. So expensive..... No jet skis that I can find. I just have a headache thinking about this. Thanks for the help guys.
Yes starboard engine.
Man....really sorry to see that happen to a new owner. I can't imagine how you feel....hate to say it but the former owner must have known something was wrong with that engine.

I'm not much help with figuring out what cause it to fail, but the oil sheen behind the boat was likely the first sign of something amiss. @veedubtek has a reasonable theory....a stuck injector (I've read about ONE of these before...stuck injector that is...not the blown engine)

Hope you can source a new engine.....and hope this doesn't sour you too much on Yamahas....this is really an anomoly and very very rare indeed.
We are really feeling for you Bluesib. I would concur with the others on the cause. And finding a waverunner with same engine is probably the least costly road. Please keep us updated as we are walking with you in this.
Ironically enough, check out this thread that popped up today talking about stuck injectors on an 05 230

Ok, I fail at mobile jb. Can't get the link copied and pasted.
Omg! So sorry you have to go through this. I guess we know why the previous owner changed the oil in the starboard motor. Most likely you have a bad ECU for the starboard motor.

We are here to help you through this as best as we can.
I missed this thread and came in to welcome you to the forum @Bluesib ... only to read about your engine issue. Really sorry to hear about that. It is not a common thing, but like any equipment, there are the occasional issues both minor and major. Some will caution you about SBT engines. Finding a low time salvage may be a better option, and cheaper. We have had complete engines sold and discussed here as well as links to them online. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless, the family you have found here will help you in your repair and search to get her fixed. Glad you found us and will keep track of the progress. Starting a new thread about the endeavor will get more attention with a more identifiable subject line. Also, listing your zip code or more accurate location may find you some members close by that can help. When you list your zip, lake, or town, it adds you to the member map automatically. Good luck and welcome to the forum.
Hey guys, yea I've been looking on Craigslist and eBay for something in my area and there is nothing. I live in canton Michigan 48188. I haven't really looked much at the boat after it happend but I don't think that engine is original it shows 2007 dates on it and a ho engine and I'm not sure it a ho boat the other engine has no markings...... So I don't really know what's going on. I know I would not be capable of a rebuild with the amount of space and engine skills i have. I would be willing to try a engine swap sbt engine seems like a good option I almost pulled the trigger yesterday. And thank you so much for all the support.