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Hello from Michigan! New to the fourms!

I'm glad you can see some humor in your predicament.
It would be helpful to see pictures of both engines and the engine model stickers. I think (not sure) your boat came with two different motor options. An engine swap is not too big a deal if you have access to an engine hoist. A rebuild will require some experience. We are here to help you.
I have some more pictures up later tomarrow for you guys. The port engine looks to have the stickers removed. But I'm not home right now. And I'll do ohm test tomarrow and hook up my laptop see if it says anywhere that what injector is stuck open is that anywhere in the software? what are you guys thinking as for a cost for a used jet ski? Engines on sbt are 1500-2300 or something I really just wanna be back on the water as soon as possible but if you guys find anything I wouldn't mind a road trip.
Sbt prices are with a good core return (I believe). You may need to pay another 1500-2000
A good core?? What r people sending back brand new engines?!? Hahaha
Yeah right! They have a list of what the charge is for damaged components. Cam, piston, block, head and etc.
So how do I know my ecu is bad?? Can they not be reflashed?
I like that price provided that the motor runs well and wasn't a rental.
Please be careful and make sure engines are the same. Ask them to provide pictures of the engine model number and detailed pictures of the engine and exhaust.
So he is unable to tell me the hours on it do to it being a 2004 and dash broken said it was not a rental blah blah just sounds like a rip off thing could have 1000 hours for all I know
Being in Ohio, I doubt it has high hours but you should look it over closely. And like @buckbuck said -- make sure its the right motor.
Here are the pictures the dealer sent me of the jet ski engine.


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I'm new to boating but could the issue have been a warped head or a blown head gasket allowing compression into the crank case? It would also thin the oil until it fails...
So what do you think about the used jet ski?? I'm going to go pick it up in the morning I think
I would do as much exploring as you can before handing over cash. It looks like it's at a PWC dealer so that gives me a little more confidence. Look inside air cleaner box..clean? Look at oil. Look in bottom of bilge for oil. Can they hook a battery up and turn it over?
@Murf'n'surf I'm going to pay with my American Express and they won't play if I get ripped off lol. I'm going to check oil (and smell the oil for gas). I'm going to make sure it runs and revs and idles ok. And Pop the air filter open see how it looks. I won't be scared to get there and walk away if anything looks funny.
If it's running I would bring a compression gauge with you and make sure it's within specs.
image.jpg Well guys....... Didn't really think about how long it was and should of rented a trailer. But make it home safe!!!
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