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How to reduce Jet Spray when wakeboarding? 16 AR192

I always get out of the white wash soon as the boat pulls me up. The problem I’m finding is that newer riders don’t know how to get out of the white wash and it’s causing problems for them.
Are you on a board or a skate? Well either way this will work.

Two things......Explain that they steer with their toes. Toes up goes towards their back, and toes down goes towards their front. This has "clicked" for quite a few beginners I've helped. Second thing is have them stay crouched, almost sitting on their heels when they come up. Your balance is far better when you're crouched than when you're standing. Have them just stay "seated" for a few moments until the boat stabilizes and they're used to the feeling. Then while crouched, heel back over the wake and into the flat water. NOW they can stand up if they want to and get a feel for what the board does under them.

Also, if they are strong enough, once up, release the hand of their back foot. If they are riding left foot forward, then release the right hand and vice versa. The pull from the boat will "square up" their hips, shoulders, and feet. Then they only have to concentrate on one axis of stabilizing at a time.
Most of the write ups I have seen for the TV wake product has been about the surfing. Is there real world experience regarding spray reduction for tubers? I personally have decided to wait a year or two to let the early adopters work the bugs out, but would like go for a set if they do reduce spray. I purchased cobra ultimates to wait and see.