Man, you and I see the world SOOOO much differently.
Remember '08 just fine. I'm just not as cynical about it. Long term average is around 7% for the entire stock market. 10% is easily achievable if you follow just a snippet or two of online advice. I've averaged over 25% the last 3 years running, and over 15% for the last decade. That said, I have a professional choosing my funds for me based on my risk level tolerance, and my desire to be diversified.
Sure 401k's are great. However your comment on Roth IRA's being inherently stupid is well.....poorly thought out and overly cynical. You don't know anymore that they WILL tax the gains, than I do that they WON'T tax the gains. They're just as likely to flip and say no to taxing 401k's as they are to saying yes to tax Roths. This is all conjecture, but your starting from a losing position instead of starting from a winning position. If you invest in a ROTH now, and they tax it later, what have you lost other than the tax you've already paid on the input? The potential to get untaxed gains far outweighs the cost to pay in with taxed money. Your logic is being clouded by your suspicion and distrust of the government regulators. If the thing exists (like the EV tax credit you think is stupid) you should take advantage of it.
My FA does significantly more more than just pick the stocks I buy. He's a hub of information and a strong sounding board for major life decisions. He's helped me work through the financial risks/rewards of taking different jobs. He's helped setup life insurance policies, and put the necessary documents in place to ensure they're paid quickly and accurately to the right places. He helps us plan which financial tools to use to reach the individual goals we have set out. If you think all a FA does is pick stocks to invest in, well, you're missing the bigger picture. He's setup so that if I die tomorrow, my wife calls him and he will literally handle all the end of life expenses, and setup the life insurance payout for my wife and the boys. He knows when and how we want to retire, has developed a plan on how to get there, and tells us how close to "on track" we are to hitting that goal. We tag up every 6mo and adjust as needed. He is far and away NOT just a needless middleman.
Of all the shit I have to keep track of in my life right now, trying to determine which index fund best matches my individual risk tolerance level and will garner an acceptable return is NOT one of them.....I pay a guy that knows way more than I do to do that for me. If I did it, I would likely do it wrong, and it would consume so much time I would miss other things in life.
I'm glad there are options like this. If my FA didn't exist I would likely be so far behind on retirement I wouldn't make it. I learned exactly DICK from my parents on how to save, or really handle money at any level. So, my FA is standing in for them in that regard. We're watching our parents retire now with NOTHING to show for years of work. I'm not letting that happen to me, in general I have no idea how to do it. So I'm letting someone else take some of my "winnings" in exchange for the knowledge of how to get those winnings. Without him, I would be getting nothing.