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Jabsco Water Puppy problems

Venting is the way to go......there is a reason that all of wake boat manufactures vent their bags in their boats.
there is a reason that all of wake boat manufactures vent their bags in their boats
There are definitely arguments for venting. And against. And lets also say, there are many 'a factory system' you would not want in your boat! Some of 150k MC are/were a nightmare, and so on.
I'm really not sure and want to keep the options open for now. Given the (relatively) limited space in the rear compartments I need the bags to fill as much as possible and conform to space.

Whats the argument against venting? I can only see benefits, but I may not be looking at it from the right point of view. Cam.
Whats the argument against venting? I can only see benefits, but I may not be looking at it from the right point of view. Cam.
There aren’t any inherent disadvantages to vents that couldn’t be avoided. But, I do want to reduce the complexity as much as possible, and designing this system from scratch, I don’t want to worry about it until after I test the system and see what the limiting factors/bottlenecks are, dreaded siphon effect, venting left to right, right to left routine etc.

Many run systems without vents and never had an issue. I do like being able to really fill the bags up as much as possible, and suck them dry and flat, which is easier with no vent. Of course you can still suck the bag dry with a vent but need to add valves. And even with vents you need to be careful and worry about pressure on the fiberglass with the bags as big as mine 800lbs. There seems to be no getting around monitoring your sacks while they fill, at some level…

I think there are more advantages to venting. You cant completely fill without a vent as there is always air trapped in the bag. On my aux bag I have to burp the air out by hand. The siphoning issue is overblown and easily overcome with hose routing. Overflow from the vent tells you the bag is full. All you need is a check valve in the vent hose then the bags will raisin up when empty . Cam