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Jet Pilot/Body Glove Products

Back in my younger "Waverunner Days" I swore by JetPilot gear! I had boots, wetsuits, PFD's, the works. Best quality and style that I could find...wore like iron. I'd recommend their stuff to anyone looking! I actually still have my JetPilot PDF (25 yrs. old!) and it's still in great shape. My younger son has a Tour Coat and a Flight Jacket that he loves.
I bought the padded rope when my arm was caught in a standard rope a few years ago.


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I bought the padded rope when my arm was caught in a standard rope a few years ago.
That's gnarly! That's gunna be a nope from me...
Expecting to hear back on our account status with Jet Pilot/Body Golve today on our account and ordering status.

I also have a phone call planned with the area rep. from O'Brien today. *fingers crossed*
Feeling pretty stoked at the moment... The dealership with O'Brien IS happening!