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Lake Powell

Damnit, I want to go there so bad!!! @Christy Let's make this happen!!!
Maybe if a take a few pictures while we are there I can write it off as a business trip! :woot:
@Detonate Three letters...MWE...
(inside joke)

But a group of us and a houseboat would be a cool trip :cool:
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Damnit, I want to go there so bad!!! @Christy Let's make this happen!!!
Maybe if a take a few pictures while we are there I can write it off as a business trip! :woot:

It certainly looks awesome....and I'm not unwilling to make it happen. But a 15 hour road trip towing a boat is not my idea of fun. Maybe we can just fly and rent a boat there (errr...boats there, actually since we'll need a houseboat, too). Or I'll fly and meet you there.
It certainly looks awesome....and I'm not unwilling to make it happen. But a 15 hour road trip towing a boat is not my idea of fun. Maybe we can just fly and rent a boat there (errr...boats there, actually since we'll need a houseboat, too). Or I'll fly and meet you there.
My thoughts too. While it would be a blast to have our Yammi's on that lake Im just not up for towing the boat all the way across the deserts of TX, NM, and AZ. The good news is there are boat-rentals-a-plenty at Lake Powell. I was thinking something along the lines of renting a houseboat and maybe a wave-runner with it. If we could meet some yamaha jet boats out there and tour around with them that would be great.
My thoughts too. While it would be a blast to have our Yammi's on that lake Im just not up for towing the boat all the way across the deserts of TX, NM, and AZ. The good news is there are boat-rentals-a-plenty at Lake Powell. I was thinking something along the lines of renting a houseboat and maybe a wave-runner with it. If we could meet some yamaha jet boats out there and tour around with them that would be great.
If you go, bring your boat. You will wish you had it. Don't look back. Forget the 15 hrs, you will be fine.
Bring your Boat!!!!!
Did I say bring your boat? Yes I did.

Do u see a house boat here?

No, just your boat.
Beautiful Pics Larry! Lake Powell is on my bucket list...let's make it happen
Havasu 1st Dan/Witty

We may try Perris this sat
We are doing Powell this summer..... Just a question of when at this point......=)
We are doing Powell this summer..... Just a question of when at this point......=)

We reserved and prepayed for 2 x 53' boats out of Wawheap marina for the week beginning July 7
35% discount for early booking and prepay.
We reserved and prepayed for 2 x 53' boats out of Wawheap marina for the week beginning July 7
35% discount for early booking and prepay.
Nice! And a great discount! I will take a look at that week for sure!
Havasu 1st Dan/Witty

We may try Perris this sat
Aw man! We have an event at Santa Anita Horse Races, otherwise we'd BE THERE with you! Damn it! I'd much rather be out on the boat :-/ it's gonna be beautiful out there on Saturday
If you go, bring your boat. You will wish you had it. Don't look back. Forget the 15 hrs, you will be fine.
Bring your Boat!!!!!
Did I say bring your boat? Yes I did.

Do u see a house boat here?

No, just your boat.

I concur. Get a house boat and tow your Yamaha behind. You will regret it if you don't!!
MaBoat, I'm all for that. Damn, I'd want my 230 there , damn.....:(waverunner be good. Maybe 'rent' a member's boat?) I was actually thinking of pulling there, but then again? We should show the west coast guys how to have a get together :) Texas/ Midwest style :) Rent a couple of houseboats together.....renamed: Rally Point, JetBoat 1

Forgot to mention...Thanks for those awesome shots! You guys got back in some shallow back waters too. I do that at Norris and Cumberland...wife calls it; Lewis & Clarking it :) You all have some breathtaking shots! Reminds me of a thread a long time ago in a place far away.
Were are u going on the 27th?

Lake Martinez! From San Diego, 2 1/2 hours East on the 8 freeway then 30-45 north at the CA/AZ boarder. We have a cabin and dock in the boxed area.


martinez-lake 2.jpg
how many hour from cal to lake powell.really want to go,but a little nervous of being lost.i'm new to this forum,so never take a long trip like this.thanks
@justintran ...dude, your in California? I was contemplating this journey from Texas! And I sold my boat to Californians! It will see Lake Powell and I just wish it I was on board when it did. Do the trip. Welcome to the new forum and prepare to get your feet wet! You are among friends and will get plenty of help in the journey. So rest easy and know that help is always a keystroke away! It can't be as long a journey as you fear. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor, and enter in your profile, your location and zip, so you appear on the member map!
@justintran ...dude, your in California? I was contemplating this journey from Texas! And I sold my boat to Californians! It will see Lake Powell and I just wish it I was on board when it did. Do the trip. Welcome to the new forum and prepare to get your feet wet! You are among friends and will get plenty of help in the journey. So rest easy and know that help is always a keystroke away! It can't be as long a journey as you fear. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor, and enter in your profile, your location and zip, so you appear on the member map!
You are always welcome to come up or just visit with us for a few days Mel..... There is a motel right near the marina, and while its no 4 star place, the airline has put us up in worse places!