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Lake Powell

how many hour from cal to lake powell.really want to go,but a little nervous of being lost.i'm new to this forum,so never take a long trip like this.thanks
Get to know some folks here and maybe go in a group with veterans... You will not regret visiting Lake Powell.....Do it.
how many hour from cal to lake powell.really want to go,but a little nervous of being lost.i'm new to this forum,so never take a long trip like this.thanks
Obviously it depends on where you live in CA but if you're in Southern California its roughly an 8 hour drive. We always used to stop for the night in Vegas and make it a 2 day trip. If you are worried about getting lost just pre-plan your route with Google Maps before hand. Trust me Lake Powell is worth the drive.
thanks you so much,make me fill more assure planning this trip for the wife and kids.
@justintran ...dude, your in California? I was contemplating this journey from Texas! And I sold my boat to Californians! It will see Lake Powell and I just wish it I was on board when it did. Do the trip. Welcome to the new forum and prepare to get your feet wet! You are among friends and will get plenty of help in the journey. So rest easy and know that help is always a keystroke away! It can't be as long a journey as you fear. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor, and enter in your profile, your location and zip, so you appear on the member map!
i think i knew the person that bought your boat,the husban work with me.if im not wrong,your a pilot right?
You are always welcome to come up or just visit with us for a few days Mel..... There is a motel right near the marina, and while its no 4 star place, the airline has put us up in worse places!
thanks so much
Does anybody know if they are still doing the invasive species inspections at the launch ramps or what the requirements are prior to launching?
Same here!
X3 but I can't imagine towing my boat 12 to 15 hours each way, maybe my wave runners to tow behind a rented house boat but even so that's a long haul and a lot of wear and tear on an an already well used tow vehicle.

I know renting a house boat is expensive just based on the rates up here in ncal (new melones and Shasta) but I've heard horror stories about the cost of refilling the tanks when the trip is over, like $800 to $1,200 even after applying a $400 credit. Is there any truth to these stories (assuming you burn a lot of fuel).

Thanks for sharing the videos and pics, they have reaffirmed my desire to boat there someday. Hopefully they will help me convince my wife of the same but waking her up now (2:35a) to ask her about this is not a good idea. Some say there is no such thing as a stupid question, I'm sure she would disagree at this time anyway.
Does anybody know if they are still doing the invasive species inspections at the launch ramps or what the requirements are prior to launching?
If they started doing inspections I'd bet that they are still doing them. I've never heard of any place that has stopped once they started.
Does anybody know if they are still doing the invasive species inspections at the launch ramps or what the requirements are prior to launching?
Yes, they still do inspections and have boat washes at the marinas. Once you pay to enter the park you are given an inspection sheet and you have a certain amount of time (1 hour-ish) to get to the inspection station to get checked out. Once you get inspected you need to leave the certification on your dash at all times inside the park.
What happens if you don't pass? Can you go to the boat wash and immediately get reinspected or do you have to wait so many days before you can try again?
Boats that have zebra mussels attached to them are required to go into quarantine. The boat trailer is "booted" and not allowed to leave the area. During the summer, the quarantine can last 5 to 10 days up to 1 month. But that's only if your boat has visible mussels attached which should be pretty obvious beforehand. There are places in Page you can take your boat to have it professionally washed and certified before going to the marina which will speed you through the marina inspection. Most boats will either be passed through or washed at the inspection station. It would be very rare to see a boat actually get quarantined (16 total in 2011). Basically expect to have them wash out the boat if it shows any signs of being wet or has been in an infected lake within the last 29 days. I always plan on the whole process taking a couple hours and try not to have any gear in the boat to make it easier.

To boat in Nevada they require you to buy a $10 invasive species sticker and place it on your boat. I'm sure that screams "look at my boat extra hard". I can't believe it's a couple hour process! Lake Mead is loaded with mussels and I've never had an issue with them. I even left my boat in a wet slip one summer. I really want to make the trip to Powell, but I would hate to get up there and run into problems.
To boat in Nevada they require you to buy a $10 invasive species sticker and place it on your boat. I'm sure that screams "look at my boat extra hard". I can't believe it's a couple hour process! Lake Mead is loaded with mussels and I've never had an issue with them. I even left my boat in a wet slip one summer. I really want to make the trip to Powell, but I would hate to get up there and run into problems.
I guess I should say I "plan" on it taking a couple hours. Last year I was in and out in 15 minutes but I was the only boat in line and I didn't require a wash. I'm not sure what its like if its a busy weekend. I guess I don't really see it as too much of a burden since we boat camp and usually get to the lake too late in the day to make it up lake and find a campsite before dark. I would say unless you have visible mussels on your boat it won't be too much of a hassle but they do take the inspection very seriously.
i think i knew the person that bought your boat,the husban work with me.if im not wrong,your a pilot right?
I think so! Danny? You must be the friend he always talks about that he works with! Nice to meet you, he told me he was bringing you to the website. Yes, they bought my boat and from what I know, enjoying it. The '07-'09 SX230 was a great model and trouble free years for the most part. Glad to have you on board with us here @justintran ! You won't believe the amount of help these folks share for nothing! Back to Lake Powell. I have seen the pictures, I have flown over the lake many times, and I have been to the shore 48 years ago, but I have never been on it. It is at the top of the bucket list...but as bucket lists go, they are challenging or they wouldn't be on it! You guys are pretty close as that goes, and you could do a caravan over to Powell and rent a houseboat.

Ronnie, the horror stories are true about the costs on the big houseboats. You don't want to cruise in them, you go out, find your anchorage, and there she sits...with exception to possible relocation during the week. Do all your touring and sightseeing in the Yammi. Many others I have talked to over the years say that the houseboat thing really ties you down and say beach camping is the way to go, tied to a hotel in Wahweap or Page or up at Bull Frog. But even others say just cruising out each day, covering up to 50 miles a day is enjoyable. The houseboat seems to offer the most security to me, but it takes time to set up camp with one so that it is secure when the weather rolls in...and it always does. I still want to do both the houseboat and the day runs.
thanks you so much for the information,very clear to understand.will plant that trip soon and will sure to let you know how is go.thanks.and by the way danny talk alot about you,good thing.
Does anybody know if they are still doing the invasive species inspections at the launch ramps or what the requirements are prior to launching?

Yes they do.
Show up with a dry and spotless clean boat.
Your boat CAN be quarantined !!!
We go to Lake Powell 2-3 times a year hopefully the water level will be a little higher this year, here is a cliff jumping video I made of my family.
On the Utah side we have some cool drawing and ruins from the Anasazi Indians

We go to Lake Powell 2-3 times a year hopefully the water level will be a little higher this year, here is a cliff jumping video I made of my family.
The USBR is forecasting a 44 foot rise in Powell this year so should be almost 20 feet higher than last year. There's also been a lot of snow fallen since that forecast so it may actually be higher. I'm crossing my fingers.