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Lake Powell

Thanks! Yeah (re: SVMS) :). Adam helped me out there. Great guy, and I'm not just saying that because I know he lurks this forum ;-).

I live near Alta High.
That Adam guy is a real lurker! LOL...he designed our dang forum LOGO! And has offered to help me clear out in Texas if I needed anything! Anyone that reaches out like that to a community has my vote!

It is a tradeoff on the impellers. If you repitch them to make higher elevations better, you will lose something at lower elevation lakes. The absolute best compromise is the standard impeller. But...if high elevation lakes are where you live and breath, by all means, make the change...but hang on to the standard props so you can switch out when you go low!
I'm on Wasatch Blvd near the golf course. We usually go to Powell the weekend after Memorial day and then again mid-Sept the time in-between is too hot.
We actually like to stay at the Defiance Lodge at Lake Powell and just do day trips, lots of fun and a hot shower at the end of the day.
We actually like to stay at the Defiance Lodge at Lake Powell and just do day trips, lots of fun and a hot shower at the end of the day.
That is what we do too. I've done the camp thing and it is so much better to stay at Defiance Lodge, I think that is all I will do now.
Is Defiance the lodge at Wahweap marina?
That Adam guy is a real lurker! LOL...he designed our dang forum LOGO! And has offered to help me clear out in Texas if I needed anything! Anyone that reaches out like that to a community has my vote!

It is a tradeoff on the impellers. If you repitch them to make higher elevations better, you will lose something at lower elevation lakes. The absolute best compromise is the standard impeller. But...if high elevation lakes are where you live and breath, by all means, make the change...but hang on to the standard props so you can switch out when you go low!

:-). Adam told me to watch this site, and when he said what it was I was an idiot and didn't write it down so I thought it was jetboating.net so I joined that and saw zero posts in forever and thought he was up in the night. Was googling around something or another about yamaha jet boats and found this site. now I'm never going to stop reading boating forums. Between that which shall not be named, this site, wayneswords (for lake powell), and the hull truth I think I have an endless reading supply of forums now!

Yeah, I think my starboard engine has the stock pitch and my port engine has a dorked up pitch. either way, I'll never boat under 3.5K' altitude so a higher altitude pitch will do me good.
We actually like to stay at the Defiance Lodge at Lake Powell and just do day trips, lots of fun and a hot shower at the end of the day.

I've never stayed on the North side of the lake. I'm contemplating it for one of my next trips to make visiting Cathedral easier, but we have a houseboat on slip in Wahweap so it's kind of hard for us to justify renting a lodge or camping out to save 1.5H of travel. I see the possibility of a UT/AZ/CA get together forming at LP though ;-).
We prefer the parking lot side with the trees for shade http://www.lakepowell.com/accomodations/bullfrog-resort-accommodations.aspx
The lake side gives you unobstructed views but the sun shines from noon till 8pm and it gets HOT at Lake Powell, also rent a slip at the Marina versus launching everyday the slip rentals are only $20 and I've never had any problems.
I've never looked into renting a slip, but for that cheap I can see that it would be worth it. How do you get from the slip to the motel? Is that what the shuttle is that I see running all the time?
We always pull the boat out, but it's a pain in the butt, with all the walking up and down the ramp, that is forever long.
Heading to Powell Saturday for 9 days, I can't wait!
Ok, so I did a little homework on my own. But I am a little confused...and hoping some of you Powell guys can clarify. The Cathedral looks awesome and I don't know how a "once in a lifetime" trip would be complete there, without visiting it. Clarify how far up the Escalante Arm it is? It is past Bull Frog by 1.5 hours? Is that what I read? I don't know how a guy could stay in Page or Wahweap, and actually go up there, without staying up there at least a night. That is over a 100 miles from Wahweap to Bull Frog?
Not sure what the Cathedral is. Is this what your talking about? If so they call it the loop and it's up the Colorado river a ways, not in Lake Powell.
There is so much to see and do at Lake Powell, there is really no way that you would get to experience it all in one trip. I've been going for over 20 years and see something new every time I go.
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Maybe I am mistaken...I thought they said Cathedral, maybe all those pics a few pages back were the "lost canyon" pics?
Yea I believe that most off @Sotally Tober pics were taken at the bottom half of the lake. Powell is so awesome, you can see cool stuff like that all over the lake. And than you can go back the next year and the lake level could have gone up or down 10' and it's a whole different lake with new cool stuff everywhere you go.
:). Adam told me to watch this site, and when he said what it was I was an idiot and didn't write it down so I thought it was jetboating.net so I joined that and saw zero posts in forever and thought he was up in the night. Was googling around something or another about yamaha jet boats and found this site. now I'm never going to stop reading boating forums. Between that which shall not be named, this site, wayneswords (for lake powell), and the hull truth I think I have an endless reading supply of forums now!

Yeah, I think my starboard engine has the stock pitch and my port engine has a dorked up pitch. either way, I'll never boat under 3.5K' altitude so a higher altitude pitch will do me good.

Mine turned 6600 rpm & would go around 45-46 mph stock, and 6800 rpm & would go around 48-49 mph with the intake spacers. I since have put high altitude impellers in and now it turns around 7600 rpm and goes around 51-52 mph. Everytime I tested it, it was full of fuel and had two 170 lbs adults on board. But truth be told, I kinda like how it ran with just the intake spacers the best.
Thanks Adam! :-). We'll see what service does.

Cathedral in the Desert is just up the Escalante arm above the San Juan arm. The picture Adam posted recently is Horseshoe Bend which is nearer to Wahweap on the south end of the lake.

Cathedral in the desert: http://www.utah.com/nationalsites/cathedral_in_the_desert.htm

The Cathedral is located at the back of Clear Creek Canyon, on the Escalante Arm, about 23 miles down-lake from Bullfrog. I marked these waypoints on my GPS:

Mouth of Clear Creek Canyon: N 37 deg 18.050; W 110 Deg 54.464
Cathedral mouth (closest point where I could get a fix): N 37 deg 17.410; W 110 Deg 54.860

It is quite the drive up from Wahweap, but is still doable... it will just chew up quite a bit of gas.
Ok, so I did a little homework on my own. But I am a little confused...and hoping some of you Powell guys can clarify. The Cathedral looks awesome and I don't know how a "once in a lifetime" trip would be complete there, without visiting it. Clarify how far up the Escalante Arm it is? It is past Bull Frog by 1.5 hours? Is that what I read? I don't know how a guy could stay in Page or Wahweap, and actually go up there, without staying up there at least a night. That is over a 100 miles from Wahweap to Bull Frog?

Cathedral is in the Escalante Arm. It's about a about 40 miles down from Bullfrog, if I remember right. I did that trip a couple of years ago and had to take gas with me. Seems like we did about 100 miles that day, but we went all the way to 'Hole in the Rock' from Bullfrog. THERE IS NO WAY TO SEE IT ALL. That being said the Escalante arm is one of the best places i've been. I'll see if I can find some photos. (of coarse that was pre-yamaha boat). If you are coming from TX, then you will most likely go to the South end. So much to see there that I wouldn't pass it up to go to the Escalante arm. Just to far from the South end to do in a day trip. If that is where I was going I would first go to Antelope Canyon, and then hike up the end of it, or take one of the tour's from the top down. Then a trip up Navajo for the day. Then if time permitted I would go to the Cookie Jar in Padre Bay. I've been north (from the south end) all the way to West Canyon.
If you are going to go to Bullfrog and were willing to travel a ways then by all means, go to the Escalante Arm and while there, go up EVERY single small canyon in that arm.

Also I wouldn't go that far alone. You are SERIOUSLY out in the middle of no where, with no cell service.
I've never looked into renting a slip, but for that cheap I can see that it would be worth it. How do you get from the slip to the motel? Is that what the shuttle is that I see running all the time?
We always pull the boat out, but it's a pain in the butt, with all the walking up and down the ramp, that is forever long.
You can reserve the slip when you make reservations at the Defiance Lodge or you can call the Marina directly. We unhitch the trailer in the hotel parking lot and drive to the marina and park in the marina parking lot, load up the boat and go out for the day then when we return we just get in our car and drive (1-2 miles) back to the hotel. The ramp at Bullfrog is probably 300 yards uphill so having your wife hike that and then back a trailer up is well worth $20, I'm pretty sure this isn't the true Lake Powell camping experience but my wife and daughters aren't exactly roughing it people and this ensures everyone has a good time.