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Mountain bike riders?

The Vittorias were a sketchy fast loosey goosey hoot. They succumbed to the ways of the desert quickly. The rear died a painfully slow death from a slicing blow on a rock. I shoogooed it and rode it home without a tube.
So LBS had this lone conti sitting on the shelf and cut me a deal. It is fricken heavy and the hardest tire to mount I have ever dealt with.
But holy shit does it hook up! 20241124_113719.jpg20241124_114601.jpg
On deck, Eliminator goes front.....20241124_134615.jpg
Haven’t been on the MTB in a while, did purchase a new steed though - Specialized Roubaix. Game changer for road riding distances, 30c wide tires inflated to 70 psi vs 90 on my previous bike, new gen of DI shifters much improved over first gen. Also has suspension build into the front fork. Previous bike weighted approx 15lbs, this one a little more but worth the added weight (I’m carrying multiple beer 6 paks in my mid section so no longer a weight weenie!!!)


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Service time, and a new saddle!