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Need a New Wakesurf Board

@swatski is sporting s 2016 AR240, wake wedge, custom transom ballast bag, and 3 bag internal ballast. I'm going to be running the same this season and I'm stoked every time I see his wake.

I know lol I was giving him shit for showing off his awesome wake compared to my little 195 baby wake lol.
I have a big slow board that is super easy to ride, but dives when i try to push and isn't great on my small AR195 wake. I need a fast board that doesn't nose dive. Money is not a concern. Please give me some ideas. Thanks guys and holy shit that winter was long.
Do you have anything on your AR195 to increase the wake?
Got a little time to try my new 4’8” doomswell neo this weekend. It was a humbling experience coming for the H/L landlocked. I have always been heavy on the heel with boards, skis, skates, and such. The Landlocked is very forgiving with this but liked to nose dive on me. By contrast the Neo does not like to nose dive but is very center line sensitive. Took three attempts for me to get up. I fell backwards on the first two and the board scooted out from under me being too strong heel side. Once I did get up it was a great ride until I tried a thrash and over drove the heel side. It will take some work to get used to. My son on the other hand had no trouble and loved it. I can see why Yamaha is including a skim style board with their booster. This is likely the best for more people to be successful on.
Got a little time to try my new 4’8” doomswell neo this weekend. It was a humbling experience coming for the H/L landlocked. I have always been heavy on the heel with boards, skis, skates, and such. The Landlocked is very forgiving with this but liked to nose dive on me. By contrast the Neo does not like to nose dive but is very center line sensitive. Took three attempts for me to get up. I fell backwards on the first two and the board scooted out from under me being too strong heel side. Once I did get up it was a great ride until I tried a thrash and over drove the heel side. It will take some work to get used to. My son on the other hand had no trouble and loved it. I can see why Yamaha is including a skim style board with their booster. This is likely the best for more people to be successful on.

Yeah it's Def not a beginner board. I also fell 3 times trying to get up. You really have to be balanced.
Do you have anything on your AR195 to increase the wake?

yeah I have the custom swim deck ballast. I just ordered 500 lbs of steel bags so I can get the weight where I want it. Also installing a GPS cruise control sometime this year.
Does anyone have experience with the Slingshot Coaster yet?
Wondering which board to get for my AR190.

And if the Coaster, which length? Pocket will be smaller for the 190
Does anyone have experience with the Slingshot Coaster yet?
Wondering which board to get for my AR190.

And if the Coaster, which length? Pocket will be smaller for the 190
I don't know that there's been any real reports of the Coaster being used behind a 190 yet. I just sold a Cruiser 5'0"XR yesterday to @orexismd to use behind his FSH 210. The weight rating on the 5'0" is from 100lbs - 250lbs and would probably be the best recommendation for the smaller pocket on a 190. The WakeBooster only comes with the 5'3" and I'm certain that's Yamaha's "one size fits all" approach with it. It's got great surface area to maximize the push of a small wake, but it could definitely encroach on the pocket of a 190.
Here's a 5'0"XR next to the 5'3".

Currently I have 2 of the 5'3" and 1 of the 5'0". My rep was generous and discounted our purchase price on these for our initial inventory order, so if you're interested I can make you a little better deal than otherwise. If you're wanting for an XR I'm looking for an excuse to bring a few more in.
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I'm nearing the mindset that set that I think the board is extremely capable... I think most every video and review I've seen have claimed success riding it. So, my opinion is that if it can't be done with this board it might be a challenge for near any board, in which case set up might be the bigger factor.

But that's just my bias sales pitch... lol!