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Need Drive Shaft Thanks to Bearing Rebuild Fail


Jetboaters Lieutenant
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South Florida
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After reading about the marbles sound from pump meant bearings were going bad.
Read past threads and watched videos I figured 6 bolts would be easy. Not so fast

It has the lateral thruster and allen heads bolting it were frozen. Had to think about getting access to bottom bolts. Open wrench and pull nozzle away bolts came along with it.
I used the idea locking splined end ratchet underneath tire of car and 6' breaker and pipe wrench impeller came off just fine. Figured home free
Got nut holding DS same way but it was stuck in the bearing. A few good wacks with hammer I saw threaded end mushroom :banghead:
Couldn't get nut back on....

Can it be re threaded? Does anyone have one laying around?
The housing Has seen better days and not sure if to order new one? There's a small crack and feel it shout be there but not sure if it will cause problems?

Dealer was going to charge me 140+taxes in labor if I had taken them pump. I'll chuck it up to learning boat as I did skis.


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