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New 19 FT Yamaha Surf Package

We are doing 10mph on the boat speedometer. Also have the cobrajet AK-19 super ultimate delux installed. This shouldnt have any effect, right?
You need to get GPS speed. The boat is a Paddle wheel. Not very accurate. When surfing 10.2 and 10.7 can make a huge difference.

I surfed last year with 800lbs on swim deck only going between 9.7 and 10.2 mph and was able to go ropeless.

I even got ropeless with only 8 passengers and just using human ballast on the surf side.
We are doing 10mph on the boat speedometer. Also have the cobrajet AK-19 super ultimate delux installed. This shouldnt have any effect, right?
No if anything that should help get on plane easier. Yeah the speed is the biggest object I have noticed, even the slightest change the wave seems to lose push.
Ok thanks guys. Yes noticed speed control is difficult. So tell me more about gps speed. Which one, approximate cost etc. No reason to stop now.
Ok thanks guys. Yes noticed speed control is difficult. So tell me more about gps speed. Which one, approximate cost etc. No reason to stop now.
If that's the mentality, I'd recommend Ridesteady... installed in a 212x... lol!

Seriously though, the Ridesteady is a worthy investment. The interface is great and the knob makes it simple to dial the exact speed. You'll never own a boat without speed control again.

For ballast, I would put the full custom ballast bag on the surf side if the swim deck, then put your 2 200lb bags in the bow, and passengers in the rear surf side. If that doesn't do it, try moving one of the small bags from the bow into the ski locker.
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I am running RideSteady. Best money spent on a mod so far. Great for tubing and cruising as well.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, ballast suggestions too. white2kstang, I see you have single engine 19. Did you do install yourself?
I assume you get the external mounted controls if you have connext touchscreen. I see Ridesteady are out of stock online. I watched video of perfect pass stargazer install. Looks like a straightforward install. Nice detailed video. Anyone have this one or comments? May be unavailable now too!
I don't have experience with perfect pass, but I'm really happy with Ridesteady.
I would send an email to @Ridesteady to check out if you have a chance to get one in August, they were usually very quick answering
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, ballast suggestions too. white2kstang, I see you have single engine 19. Did you do install yourself?
I assume you get the external mounted controls if you have connext touchscreen. I see Ridesteady are out of stock online. I watched video of perfect pass stargazer install. Looks like a straightforward install. Nice detailed video. Anyone have this one or comments? May be unavailable now too!

I did the install myself. Pretty straight forward and easy. Justin at Ridesteady is great at answering questions if needed. The least fun part was cramming into the helm storage to run the GPS wire and tap the navigation lights wire for the dimmer. I also pulled my switch panel on the right to cut a slot for the controller wire, there are probably easier ways to do this bit it's where I wanted it. I also bought a Ram suction mount so I didn't have to drill holes for the mount in case I wanted to move it. Happy with the location so far. I can adjust the knob with my hand on the throttle.

They offer the system with the round built in gauge I remember seeing someone removing their phone holder and cutting a hole for it on the dash.


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I did the install myself. Pretty straight forward and easy. Justin at Ridesteady is great at answering questions if needed. The least fun part was cramming into the helm storage to run the GPS wire and tap the navigation lights wire for the dimmer. I also pulled my switch panel on the right to cut a slot for the controller wire, there are probably easier ways to do this bit it's where I wanted it. I also bought a Ram suction mount so I didn't have to drill holes for the mount in case I wanted to move it. Happy with the location so far. I can adjust the knob with my hand on the throttle.

They offer the system with the round built in gauge I remember seeing someone removing their phone holder and cutting a hole for it on the dash.

I installed the Ridesteady in my dash this year. The install went great but cutting the circular hole in the dash was the hardest part. The electrical run was straightforward and RideSteady gives excellent instructions.

I’ve been super happy with the product - speed control makes the boat so much easier to drive for towing sports. Highly recommend.


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Thanks for the install pics. how does the speed compare to the connext reading.. I assume it stays functional as well?
It stays functional. It's off for sure by any where from .5 to 1.5 mph sometimes. Definitely worse at lower speeds.
I took my boat out on Thursday, first run with the transom bag, and was able to go rope-less. I don't have GPS and it's not easy to keep a steady pace as others said. I have a 2018, so no wake booster. Waiting to hear back from anyone who tries to modify the booster to fit the past gen boats. We went between 12 and 13 on the speedo and had to do a constant slight circle to allow the wake to roll into a wave. Any slower and no wave, just jet wash. It felt like probably about the right speed though so I'm betting it was more like 11 mph in reality. I'm going to use GPS on the phone to tell next time. I had the 650lb sac, and 2 adults on the sac side rear seating area. I need to get the boat deeper in the water and get the wave longer as I had to get pretty close to the boat. Not sure how to get it so I don't have to drive in as much of a circle. I am definitely considering ridesteady myself. The Connelly Ride (board) worked well. It is definitely fast enough and has a more slender profile and speed control is good, so I definitely suggest this board. Very reasonably priced as well.


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@Shaphan78 how does the wakebooster work for you? Any more insights?
Guys just an update the wakebooster is working fantastic! I had some mechanical issues and work issues that took me off the water for a while. but last night I went ropeless with my wife, son(9 years old) and my self ( 6'3" 220 lbs). Im gonna cut a slot for the otherside so i can set it up for the other side of the boat also. I ballasted the back of my boat with both bags on the same side to get some better displacement. Besides that its a game changer for me! Lovin it! Simple enough mod to do. The price tag on the wakebooster itself was the hard part. If anyone wants photos ill send in PM
Guys just an update the wakebooster is working fantastic! I had some mechanical issues and work issues that took me off the water for a while. but last night I went ropeless with my wife, son(9 years old) and my self ( 6'3" 220 lbs). Im gonna cut a slot for the otherside so i can set it up for the other side of the boat also. I ballasted the back of my boat with both bags on the same side to get some better displacement. Besides that its a game changer for me! Lovin it! Simple enough mod to do. The price tag on the wakebooster itself was the hard part. If anyone wants photos ill send in PM

Thinking about getting it , would love to see a pic of the wave
Guys just an update the wakebooster is working fantastic! I had some mechanical issues and work issues that took me off the water for a while. but last night I went ropeless with my wife, son(9 years old) and my self ( 6'3" 220 lbs). Im gonna cut a slot for the otherside so i can set it up for the other side of the boat also. I ballasted the back of my boat with both bags on the same side to get some better displacement. Besides that its a game changer for me! Lovin it! Simple enough mod to do. The price tag on the wakebooster itself was the hard part. If anyone wants photos ill send in PM

I just purchased the surf package for my 2014, can you please send a dimension of where you cut the slot as I will be doing the same for it to fit on mine. Also please send another picture if you cut the slot for the other side.
So I got the package, then added RideSteady, and the 650 ballast bag. The wave is pretty decent now and Ridesteady made driving for my wife soooo much easier.

In short we are having a lot of fun. I had never surfed prior to three weeks ago, and I am getting the hang of it. Really close to going ropeless! Keep in mind, I have never done any "sideways sports" in my life. I grew up dirtbiking, snowskiing, and mountain biking etc. Never skateboarded, snowboarded or wakeboarded in my life so that has been the biggest challenge for me lol.

This is a pretty fun mod for these boats. In total I ran the 650 lb bag on the platform, one of the Yamaha bags on the back seat, and the other towards the front of the boat. I will keep playing to see the ideal setup.
So I got the package, then added RideSteady, and the 650 ballast bag. The wave is pretty decent now and Ridesteady made driving for my wife soooo much easier.

In short we are having a lot of fun. I had never surfed prior to three weeks ago, and I am getting the hang of it. Really close to going ropeless! Keep in mind, I have never done any "sideways sports" in my life. I grew up dirtbiking, snowskiing, and mountain biking etc. Never skateboarded, snowboarded or wakeboarded in my life so that has been the biggest challenge for me lol.

This is a pretty fun mod for these boats. In total I ran the 650 lb bag on the platform, one of the Yamaha bags on the back seat, and the other towards the front of the boat. I will keep playing to see the ideal setup.

Glad to hear it. I just got the 650 bag last week and tried it once. I had the 650 bag and the 200 yamaha cube both on the surf side transom, but wasn't totally happy with that layout. I'm thinking next time only the 650 surf side and the 200 cube in the bow. Question: was your 200 bag on the back seat surf side or opposite side?
Glad to hear it. I just got the 650 bag last week and tried it once. I had the 650 bag and the 200 yamaha cube both on the surf side transom, but wasn't totally happy with that layout. I'm thinking next time only the 650 surf side and the 200 cube in the bow. Question: was your 200 bag on the back seat surf side or opposite side?

Surf side. We only had three of us on the boat so layout wasn't an issue. I honestly think just the 650 lb bag will be enough for my skill level at this point. I just wanted to go all out and put every bag full. The prior night I only ran the 650 lb bag and it worked fine.
Guys just an update the wakebooster is working fantastic! I had some mechanical issues and work issues that took me off the water for a while. but last night I went ropeless with my wife, son(9 years old) and my self ( 6'3" 220 lbs). Im gonna cut a slot for the otherside so i can set it up for the other side of the boat also. I ballasted the back of my boat with both bags on the same side to get some better displacement. Besides that its a game changer for me! Lovin it! Simple enough mod to do. The price tag on the wakebooster itself was the hard part. If anyone wants photos ill send in PM

Interested as I just bought a 2018 AR195 looking to surf next year.
@J-RAD will be contacting you in need of a board over the winter.
Last night we went out wake boarding, and used the two 200lb cubes from the Wakebooster kit. It helped increase the wake a lot over stock on the AR195. They’re simple and generally fast to deploy, so I’m happy to get extra use out of them for either surfing or boarding.