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New 19 FT Yamaha Surf Package

Hey Marcham, can you tell me specifically where you placed bags,weight and the location for a reg surfer setup (non goofy)? Upper swim platform or lower as well as speed? We could not get a consistent big enough wave and at the recommended 10 mph we were really bogged down. Have the 2 200’s and the wakebooster and set them up one on each side upper platform per Yamaha. Thanks everyone
Hey Marcham, can you tell me specifically where you placed bags,weight and the location for a reg surfer setup (non goofy)? Upper swim platform or lower as well as speed? We could not get a consistent big enough wave and at the recommended 10 mph we were really bogged down. Have the 2 200’s and the wakebooster and set them up one on each side upper platform per Yamaha. Thanks everyone

How much human ballast? Are you turning slightly into the surf side? Ski locker ballast?
How much human ballast? Are you turning slightly into the surf side? Ski locker ballast?
180lb driver, 250lbpassengers, where should they be (2ofthem). Only the two yamaha 200 bags, no ski locker ballast. Do you mean turning boat slightly into surf side? The rider is 185lb
180lb driver, 250lbpassengers, where should they be (2ofthem). Only the two yamaha 200 bags, no ski locker ballast. Do you mean turning boat slightly into surf side? The rider is 185lb
Thats 250 total for both passengers combined
Well that’s the 1500$ question. I hoping my setup works out.
So after reading all of this, do you think the wake booster was worth the money? Or are you better off just buying transom fat sac

2012 Yamaha AR190, Slingshot Coaster, Transom ballast bag only. Driver and 1 spotter on the boat.
Still needs some fine-tuning and having issues with getting to speed.
I have a 370lbs ballast bag for the ski locker that I will try next time as well.

Would be interested to see if the wakebooster would help with shape of the wake.
Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay. But here it is! I'm going to the lake tommorow to test it out. If everything is correct I'll cut the slot for the other side. It appears to line up really well. So here goes nothing. I'll post results tomorrow afternoon.
Any follow up on this @Shaphan78 ?
I did some Google searching and seems like the Wakebooster only is

Showed up under related products on pwcparts.com
I've ordered from Leaders RPM before, only small stuff, but went well. And they are only 2.5 hours from me

Hey All - question. Thinking to pull the trigger on this and looking for some help. I noticed on the Yamaha videos there is a tie down clip to attach the ballast bags too. My AR 195 does not have this - do they come with the kit or where can i buy them?

Also - any recommendations on a good board for the 19 ft wake size (also beginners to the sport)?

My wakebooster kit came with the anchors for the sacs. We started with a Slingshot Coaster 5.0.
Hey All - question. Thinking to pull the trigger on this and looking for some help. I noticed on the Yamaha videos there is a tie down clip to attach the ballast bags too. My AR 195 does not have this - do they come with the kit or where can i buy them?

Also - any recommendations on a good board for the 19 ft wake size (also beginners to the sport)?

I'm a dealer for Slingshot and other brands. I'd be happy to give you some info on boards, including the Coaster and a discount code if you're interested?
Hey All - question. Thinking to pull the trigger on this and looking for some help. I noticed on the Yamaha videos there is a tie down clip to attach the ballast bags too. My AR 195 does not have this - do they come with the kit or where can i buy them?

Also - any recommendations on a good board for the 19 ft wake size (also beginners to the sport)?

The kit comes with them however you may find you want both bags on one side. I have a custom transom bag, however if I had two of those bags I would out one on the bottom deck and one on the top all the way to one side. Just tie them, then your not putting more holes in your fiberglass. In regards to a board I upgraded this year to the Slingshot Coaster 5'3". Depending on the weight of the riders I would consider getting the longer 5'3" one as with the 19' boats you want all the help you can get.
My wakebooster kit came with the anchors for the sacs. We started with a Slingshot Coaster 5.0.
How does the 5'0" ride, what is your weight? I ended up with the 5'3" Coaster and am thinking today maybe my first ride with finally adding ballast. I have rode it a few times with my son on the other side, however with little kids I have not set up the ballast bag yet this year.
I'm a dealer for Slingshot and other brands. I'd be happy to give you some info on boards, including the Coaster and a discount code if you're interested?
Yes that would be awesome! I will send a PM. Thanks!
How does the 5'0" ride, what is your weight? I ended up with the 5'3" Coaster and am thinking today maybe my first ride with finally adding ballast. I have rode it a few times with my son on the other side, however with little kids I have not set up the ballast bag yet this year.

I have not ridden it. Wife doesn't drive the boat with me not in it. Lol My 100lb daughter loves it. She got up and was almost ropeless with no ballast bags or booster. She has been able to be ropeless on the 5.0 without issue. I'm hoping to have a few buddies out soon to see what it can do.
Hey Guys, almost there but cant drop the rope. Can someone suggest ballast placement. 2020 sx195. Have the wakebooster, the 2 200 lb sacs that came with the booster, the custom gantlin transom bag and a fatsac brick. Usually 2 passengers other than me the driver. Probably full fuel 240 lbs. any suggestions greatly appreciated. Only tried the custom bag.
Hey Guys, almost there but cant drop the rope. Can someone suggest ballast placement. 2020 sx195. Have the wakebooster, the 2 200 lb sacs that came with the booster, the custom gantlin transom bag and a fatsac brick. Usually 2 passengers other than me the driver. Probably full fuel 240 lbs. any suggestions greatly appreciated. Only tried the custom bag.
Maybe slow down a bit, gps 10.2 mph.
We are doing 10mph on the boat speedometer. Also have the cobrajet AK-19 super ultimate delux installed. This shouldnt have any effect, right?