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Shaphan what are the overall rough dimensions of this and what thickness metal are they using. I’m gonna work on fabricating my own for my 2017 ar195. ThanksOkay.... So there is a small fitment issue. There are tabs on both ends that dont let it sit flush with the boat. also it extends past the back of the boat by about an 1.5 inches. Other than that it appears to line up well with the side of boat and with the jet. The principals of operation and the angles seem sound and still correct. I'm really considering cutting the tabs off and running it. In fact i'm just gonna do it and call it a loss for the team! I really have high hopes for it. Unless someone here says dont do it.. My grinder is coming out!
When you get one that works make me one as wellShaphan what are the overall rough dimensions of this and what thickness metal are they using. I’m gonna work on fabricating my own for my 2017 ar195. Thanks
No dimensions yet?!?When you get one that works make me one as well
I see a copywrite lawsuit heading your way! Hahaha!one more for the thread. this shows the length from the bend. its the same on both ends.
Weight is key for sure. But what I noticed is that the engineers at Yamaha clearly thought of the design of the booster and the combined fat sacs they provide. If you do it like they recommend you do actually get a decent wave.I've had really good success with just the ballast bags. Really want to try the wake booster. Water is a bit too cold and it won't work unless I modify it a bit. So trying what ever I can do before cutting a tab or putting a different slot in it.