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New 19 FT Yamaha Surf Package

I found the wakebooster setup to be impossible to use on a older 19ft boat. I’m going fully custom. I also found it to be difficult if not impossible to run a dual side setup when even on a full custom piece. They must have changed the trailer tie points on the boat. I’m making my own version for a normal sided rider for my 17 ar195. With that being said maybe Shaphan came up with something.
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@Shaphan78 Did you end up getting in the water yet? Really curious how this ends up. Did you end up cutting the tab?
Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay. But here it is! I'm going to the lake tommorow to test it out. If everything is correct I'll cut the slot for the other side. It appears to line up really well. So here goes nothing. I'll post results tomorrow afternoon.


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Success. Finally was able to surf ropeless!

650 lb bag in the middle of the rear deck, 200 lb bag on the surfer side. I adjusted the wakebooster to minimize the angle (tab touching on port side, other tab as far as possible from the stern).

The surfable pocket is about 6 feet long!

I also played around with the speed and 10.5mph is the sweet spot.

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Are you using PerfectPass/RideSteady for speed control at all?
Ridesteady... couldn't do it without!
I think RideSteady is going to be my next upgrade. Debating between that and the WakeBooster.
You can create a surfable wave without the wakebooster. But without a constant speed, it's hopeless. The Ridesteady we also use for wakeboarding.
I can go ropeless with a (borrowed) phase 5 board and the transom FatSac on the surf side. I picked up the slingshot coaster since my main board was a Liquid Force Rocket. I am hoping that helps a bit. There were times where I could get some hopes of ropeless with the rocket, but the push from the wave would just disappear.
I can go ropeless with a (borrowed) phase 5 board and the transom FatSac on the surf side. I picked up the slingshot coaster since my main board was a Liquid Force Rocket. I am hoping that helps a bit. There were times where I could get some hopes of ropeless with the rocket, but the push from the wave would just disappear.

What size is the rocket?
Well, bigger is better when it comes to a small wave. I went from a Phase 5 XB to a Hyperlite Shim 5ft 3". The hyperlite isn't as maneuverable but floats much more. I could have gone a few inches longer.
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Mine was opposite, the Phase5 was an inch or two shorter but was much quicker.
Mine was opposite, the Phase5 was an inch or two shorter but was much quicker.
The Coaster wil be great! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
I tried to muster the courage yesterday, but the 58 degree water was too much. With air temps in the 80’s this week I think I’ll finally be able to test it out.
I tried to muster the courage yesterday, but the 58 degree water was too much. With air temps in the 80’s this week I think I’ll finally be able to test it out.
Lol, I was more desperate than I've ever been this season... Utah Lake, April 11, water was 57° air temp was 58°... It was very uncharacteristic of me. It was an ice bath. 2 runs was all I managed. I'm totally bragging, Lol! I don't know what got into me. My wife went first (with a wetsuit) and I wasn't just not going to do it myself... ?‍♂️
The water is close to 70° now so it's almost bearable.

Get in there! Your man card hangs in the balance. ??

(On a 2019 5'0" Coaster)
Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay. But here it is! I'm going to the lake tommorow to test it out. If everything is correct I'll cut the slot for the other side. It appears to line up really well. So here goes nothing. I'll post results tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks for the pic and update. Sounds like there needs to be new holes for each loop under the swim deck? Hope it worked out well for you! Let us know if it worked. Much appreciated.
Water was 66, so I was able to surf a bit today. Coaster was definitely much faster than the Rocket. Easily able to go ropeless with just the fatsac on the surf side. My wife rode it without the fatsac and was starting to get a bit of slack with no other surf mods. Love the board @J-RAD!