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Forum News! New Trophy for cutting a hole in your boat!

I cut a hole for a 2nd 10" subwoofer beside the captain's chair, right under the throttles. I don't know how I don't have photos of it, but I don't.
*Edit* Found a photo! Not a picture of the subwoofer but the it's in the background.

And I don't know of it counts but I cut a rather large chunk out of the opening of the anchor locker to be able to fit a Richter anchor in there.
Anchor Locker Mod
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This was the biggest. I still have the part I cut out. I don’t know why but I just couldn’t convince myself to throw it out.
At current boat prices that piece is probably worth about $150.
This should qualify me, had to cut the deck up to repair the damage done by the dreaded unsealed tabled support.
How about a 2023 with 0.4 hours on it (just the test drive when picking up new)
- 6 holes in the bow for cleat and rod holder grill mount
- 2” hole waterproof receptacle for the charger
- 3” hole in dash for new radio location
- 3” hole in swim platform for secondary screen
- 4 1/4” holes for swim platform table mount
- 16 5/8” holes for RGB accent lights.
Still planning on 4 3/4” holes for phender pro flush mounts, and another hole in the dash for a simrad after relocating connext screen


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How about a 2023 with 0.4 hours on it (just the test drive when picking up new)
- 6 holes in the bow for cleat and rod holder grill mount
- 2” hole waterproof receptacle for the charger
- 3” hole in dash for new radio location
- 3” hole in swim platform for secondary screen
- 4 1/4” holes for swim platform table mount
- 16 5/8” holes for RGB accent lights.
Still planning on 4 3/4” holes for phender pro flush mounts, and another hole in the dash for a simrad after relocating connext screen
very fun..
can you share the accent light you're using?