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Nice start to the weekend


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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West Allis & Fremont, WI
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So my work schedule is Tuesday - Saturday, and when the weather starts to get nicer, we shoot up north to our cottage as much as possible. Today officially starts my weekend, and our "summer" season.

Got up here, visited with the neighbors for a bit, and had some carnitas for dinner. Now it's time for a nice finish to dinner.

The place isn't finished off, as you can see from the picture of our porch, but it's a nice relaxing place to get away. Here's my "dessert", I broke open the bottle of Larceny, and I'm going to have a My Father Le Bijou, and watch the Sun go down before heading over to another neighbor's to visit and have some cocktails. sorry if the pics are a little big, this is being posted from my phone, and I don't have decent editing capabilities

as I was typing this out, I got to see a bald eagle fly over the house, and I'm just sitting here thanking my lucky stars for the life I've been given. I wish the family members were here that have passed away and made this possible for me, but maybe some of you can visit at some point in the future and I can share with you. Cheers to you and your family, wherever you may be.

