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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

LMFAO! You're killing me! I'm in the middle of a big carpentry and cabinet making project right now and running into this left and right. I've moved an entire forest of lumber looking for reasonably straight pieces at both those places
I don't listen to rap, hip-hop, or r&b music, and while riding with my wife I just heard something from Cardi B for the first time the other day and felt this exact same way.

LMFAO! You're killing me! I'm in the middle of a big carpentry and cabinet making project right now and running into this left and right. I've moved an entire forest of lumber looking for reasonably straight pieces at both those places
It's a legitimate problem lol! I own and operate a cabinet shop as my 9-5 and thankfully we're don't rely on their wood products much. I've bought my share though.
I showed my wife this ( her rims look pretty much the same just add a big broken-belt bubble in the sidewall of the tire). She called me/you a dick.
I used to get REALLY pissed at my wife for tearing up the tires/side of her car. It was bad. To the point that I put (3) side view mirrors on her Grand Am while we were dating. I mean I would get PISSED, when she would tear something up. Had a beautiful RX8 that had all 4 wheels rashed up. Had a Yukon that came home one day with what appeared to be a garden rake scraped down the side of it.

Then one day I let it all go and told her "Honey, I love you more than anything, but you run into shit. I'm no longer going to be mad about it. She lost her shit, we yelled, then made up. Ever since then, I've just let it go, and it's been fine.

That picture is kinda funny though :D
I used to get REALLY pissed at my wife for tearing up the tires/side of her car. It was bad. To the point that I put (3) side view mirrors on her Grand Am while we were dating. I mean I would get PISSED, when she would tear something up. Had a beautiful RX8 that had all 4 wheels rashed up. Had a Yukon that came home one day with what appeared to be a garden rake scraped down the side of it.

Then one day I let it all go and told her "Honey, I love you more than anything, but you run into shit. I'm no longer going to be mad about it. She lost her shit, we yelled, then made up. Ever since then, I've just let it go, and it's been fine.

That picture is kinda funny though :D

I actually gave my tire (not the wheel thankfully) a little curb rash the other day during a moment of intention. My wife chided me about it and I said "That's O.K. I'll let you drive it for a couple days and no one will believe I did it."
I started buying cars that self park themselves. No more rash.
Not a Meme but...