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The way I see it is, the cow eats greens all day long. I let them do the hard work and I get the benefit of them processing it it a much tastier salad. Simple!
I think you got it right!
Honestly, that was me the first couple months of owning EV ?Sorry Z but this one hurts. As an owner of a F150 Lightning I feel the dagger but speed matters. I'll get to my toilet in no time!!
View attachment 213274
Soon all EV's will have access to Tesla Superchargers and they are amazing.Honestly, that was me the first couple months of owning EV ?
Especially, when I had to get to the charger. My first long drive I arrived at supercharger with 2% and thank god I was in traffic. The supercharger I was counting on was out of order, I was at 12% and had to cover another 50 miles with nothing else around me. Since I was moving 5 mph for 30 miles that saved my ass, otherwise would be on a tow truck. Now same route quadrupled superchargers so no worries there.
And EVs absolutely leave regular cars in the dust.