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Ronix 8.3 on a Yamaha...let's find out.

Here is a video of @kthrash daughter surfing in a little chop. You can see the pocket is a little longer and the wave a little taller then usual for us.

Defiantly not a tige wave but every boat and hull has different characteristics. The Tige I surfed behind had a sharp steep wall, not what I am used too but I still loved it!! Thanks again for taking us out surfing @007
@jcyamaharider still cant believe I got up first try.. thanks for the run!
That was awesome! The look on your face was priceless!!!
Man oh man, I love to see new surfers getting the bit by the bug to surf.
So @jcyamaharider, do you think it will add anything to my surf wave? I don't want to put no stinkin 3000lbs of ballast in my boat.:) I can go without the rope with stock ballast(750lbs) and the Wake Wedge but I would like a little longer pocket. Do you think the Ronix would help?
I think it will Jim, but maybe do some research and make one. You are handy with tools.
I ordered one last week and am going to play around with it. Hopefully it gets here before the July 4th weekend. 30 day money back guarantee.
@jcyamaharider - What's the verdict on this bad boy? My concern is the jet wash on my non wake wedge side would cancel out any benefit.
Too me it did enough to my wake that I kept it. Made my pocket a little longer and a little taller. Every little bit helps.
I finally got my 15 yr old daughter to try surfing last week. She got up on first try, and this is her second run. 800 lb on swim deck, 800 lb surfside seat, 450 on deck, 6 people. Could be a little cleaner, but wouldn't spend the money on the Ronix though.

I ordered one last week and am going to play around with it. Hopefully it gets here before the July 4th weekend. 30 day money back guarantee.
30 day money back guarantee on the ronix or the mission delta?
I'd like to see some more pics or video. I've been debating building some sort of wedge but I think I have my wake dialed in pretty well. image.jpg
30 day money back guarantee on the ronix or the mission delta?

On the Delta. From their website:


What’s your return policy?

Items may be returned within 30 days. They must be sent back in the original packaging and in new condition or they will be subject to a 20% restocking fee. Shipping costs are non-refundable.
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Actually having the ronix for a while now it actually makes my wave smaller, so we quit using it.
Actually having the ronix for a while now it actually makes my wave smaller, so we quit using it.

Wow. . . . wonder if it has anything to due with the jet wash from the non-wake wedged jet?
It could