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Scupper cover from wakebooster kit

What @MidnightRider said - we had a ton of water come in yesterday thru the supper when the wake booster was on the starboard side (same side as the scupper). Water was pouring in. Just stock boat ballast. We had no problems when the booster was on the port side. I have the booster that Yamaha says is for the 212X (no tabs and no scupper cover).

Time to figure out a solution as every thing on the floor of the boat got wet when I stopped and the water all rushed forward to the bow.
Man that sucks! Guess I'd contact Chatlee and see if they could just give you the cover. Fortunately we don't have any goofy foot surfers. Although it looks pretty easy to make something to fit over it. Interesting how several of us all have 212x's and all got the same kit that.
Just so you know, even though I have the scupper cover installed on my 21 footer, I still get some water that comes up the scupper into the boat occasionally when surfing the starboard side. It usually happens when the rider falls and I back off the throttle to turn around.
Is there a way to just put an old school plug in the scupper "tunnel" from the inside to keep that dry?
Just so you know, even though I have the scupper cover installed on my 21 footer, I still get some water that comes up the scupper into the boat occasionally when surfing the starboard side. It usually happens when the rider falls and I back off the throttle to turn around.
Interesting, I have the scupper cover installed and I've never had any water come up my scupper drain into the boat when surfing that side.
Is there a way to just put an old school plug in the scupper "tunnel" from the inside to keep that dry?
That's the first thing I looked for after hearing water was coming up. Seems a simple little rubber plug could work and it wouldn't be permanent. Not sure there's enough space between the flapper and the outside flange......
Interesting, I have the scupper cover installed and I've never had any water come up my scupper drain into the boat when surfing that side.
Yeah, I never noticed it before this year either but I have never been ballasted like I am now either. I recently installed a 3 pump integrated ballast system. Don't know if the ballast weight had anything to do with it or not. I only noticed because my youngest son said "dad why did water just come out of this hole" as I turned to go pick up my buddy that had just fell. Sure enough, the floor was wet and you could tell where some water had come out of the floor drain onto the floor. Not a ton of water.
Interesting, I have the scupper cover installed and I've never had any water come up my scupper drain into the boat when surfing that side.

Anyway you can take a picture of the scupper cover installed.

We just purchased the wakebooster kit about a month ago but the directions IMO were horrible and I could not figure out where the cover needed to be installed. I went to my dealership yesterday and a mechanic showed me on another 21'.
Anyway you can take a picture of the scupper cover installed.

We just purchased the wakebooster kit about a month ago but the directions IMO were horrible and I could not figure out where the cover needed to be installed. I went to my dealership yesterday and a mechanic showed me on another 21'.
Sorry we are in the middle of a move so boat is currently in storage. It is installed with the opening in an orientation from front to back and basically just centered on the hole. If I remember right there was a little cutout on one of the corners and I remember not really seeing an obvious reason for it and I don't remember if I put that on the top or bottom. But in short orientate the opening from front/back and center it on the hole.
Talked with my dealer today. They said that they’ve had several instances with Yamaha and the wrong Wakebooster in the box. They just received a couple of the 21‘ boosters in yesterday, and they have the scupper cover. Going to the dealer tomorrow to compare what I received.

I also made a cover from a 30 cent piece of galvanized roof flashing from Home Depot. Just needed tin snips and a bench vise. My boat is 35 mins away so have no idea if it fits.


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Talked with my dealer today. They said that they’ve had several instances with Yamaha and the wrong Wakebooster in the box. They just received a couple of the 21‘ boosters in yesterday, and they have the scupper cover. Going to the dealer tomorrow to compare what I received.

I also made a cover from a 30 cent piece of galvanized roof flashing from Home Depot. Just needed tin snips and a bench vise. My boat is 35 mins away so have no idea if it fits.
I don't understand how that happens. Let me know what you find out. Reckon I'll need to be contacting my dealer.
Sorry we are in the middle of a move so boat is currently in storage. It is installed with the opening in an orientation from front to back and basically just centered on the hole. If I remember right there was a little cutout on one of the corners and I remember not really seeing an obvious reason for it and I don't remember if I put that on the top or bottom. But in short orientate the opening from front/back and center it on the hole.

No worries and good luck on your move. I will try to get some pics of mine today.
I don't understand how that happens. Let me know what you find out. Reckon I'll need to be contacting my dealer.

Swapped mine out for the 21' kit (with the tabs) today at the dealer. We looked at two boats in for service (24' and 21'). The 24' boat has more distance from the hull to the tie down ring that the 21' boat. I think that allows the 24' booster is so much more curved, and on a 21' boat it really shoots the water into the scupper on the starboard/goofy side.

The service guy I worked with said they have had a number of issues with the wrong booster / part number on the box. He couldn't believe for "an $800 part that they didn't have their act together!". The reason he had a 21' kit in stock was that he was on the phone with Yamaha on Monday for a similar problem, and they found two 21' kits to send him. Just dumb luck good timing on my part.
Swapped mine out for the 21' kit (with the tabs) today at the dealer. We looked at two boats in for service (24' and 21'). The 24' boat has more distance from the hull to the tie down ring that the 21' boat. I think that allows the 24' booster is so much more curved, and on a 21' boat it really shoots the water into the scupper on the starboard/goofy side.

The service guy I worked with said they have had a number of issues with the wrong booster / part number on the box. He couldn't believe for "an $800 part that they didn't have their act together!". The reason he had a 21' kit in stock was that he was on the phone with Yamaha on Monday for a similar problem, and they found two 21' kits to send him. Just dumb luck good timing on my part.
Let me know how it works out for ya. I bet that's why they're sold out everywhere. They probably pulled their inventory after they noticed the issue.
Anyway you can take a picture of the scupper cover installed.

We just purchased the wakebooster kit about a month ago but the directions IMO were horrible and I could not figure out where the cover needed to be installed. I went to my dealership yesterday and a mechanic showed me on another 21'.

Installed my scupper cover today after swapping the 24’ kit for the 21’ kit. Here’s what I did


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Yup that is how I installed mine before we put it on the lift for the summer.
Sorry we are in the middle of a move so boat is currently in storage. It is installed with the opening in an orientation from front to back and basically just centered on the hole. If I remember right there was a little cutout on one of the corners and I remember not really seeing an obvious reason for it and I don't remember if I put that on the top or bottom. But in short orientate the opening from front/back and center it on the hole.

I finally found a 21' WB kit. Came with scupper cover, directions said to clean with rubbing alcohol and mount with the little cutout on the north side of the scupper. I surf goofy and haven't had any noticeable water (or any more) coming into the boat.
I finally found a 21' WB kit. Came with scupper cover, directions said to clean with rubbing alcohol and mount with the little cutout on the north side of the scupper. I surf goofy and haven't had any noticeable water (or any more) coming into the boat.
Good to hear! After hearing Pbear's results with his 21' wakebooster I'm sticking with the 24'. I don't surf goofy, and if I end up having a goofy surfer I'll get a plug and plug it from the inside of the boat. Or install a valve in the scupper tube. I did that on my old 212x for my ballast system to shift weight to the surf side and to keep water from draining from my ballasts. Could just do the same.
I wonder if the tabbed wakebooster works any better. If in fact we have the 24’ version, it still works really well.
Same...be interesting to know!