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I'm in Apex fairly often as well (one of my besties owns apex tuning - he's a non-jet boater). Be happy to lend a hand sometime
I'm in Apex fairly often as well (one of my besties owns apex tuning - he's a non-jet boater). Be happy to lend a hand sometime

Awesome. I'll let you know when I get to it.
Quick question, all - is the Attwood 66553-3 the right part for a 2009 232 Limited scupper? It looks to be the recommended throughout for 230's, but just want to be sure there wasn't a design change that would make another part a better fit. TIA!
Quick question, all - is the Attwood 66553-3 the right part for a 2009 232 Limited scupper? It looks to be the recommended throughout for 230's, but just want to be sure there wasn't a design change that would make another part a better fit. TIA!

Yes, it is exactly the same. I used one for a 230 on my boat back in 2014.
Here’s a picture of my scupper, not a great picture but it was last minute when I saw this thread. Mine is on the side and not in the middle by the plug. Do you guys recommend changing it? I push on it slightly and the rubber didn’t move, so I’m guessing that it’s still good. Thanks


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Normally the scupper wasn't an issue from 2010 forward because the moved the exit above the waterline
I'm not sure what your picture is of, maybe take another one further back
Here’s 2 pics


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Yes, as @Bruce (edit, oops, @Scottintexas) said, this is at or just above the water line when you are floating. So much less critical. They used to put that way down below the water line (and then the part was prone to breaking). When it broke, water flooded in...

Even if yours breaks, would not be catastrophic.
Yes, as @Bruce (edit, oops, @Scottintexas) said, this is at or just above the water line when you are floating. So much less critical. They used to put that way down below the water line (and then the part was prone to breaking). When it broke, water flooded in...

Even if yours breaks, would not be catastrophic.
Ok. Thank you.
If you cant find someone local Jerry, just box it up and send it to me. I will turn it down and send it back asap. Probably take me a whole 5 minutes. I also made a wrench that fits over the scupper nut and I will send that along also. I made it to fit in the small space down there.
I just got off the phone with a machine shop that wants 1.5 hours @ $65 per hour to turn the scupper to fit my ‘07 SX230! Can I box it up and could you turn it for me please?
I did mine with a dremel, I didn't have enough patience and scratched the face some, I didn't turn the whole scupper just flattened the two sides a little,

if you had a grinding wheel it would be easy,

I just got off the phone with a machine shop that wants 1.5 hours @ $65 per hour to turn the scupper to fit my ‘07 SX230! Can I box it up and could you turn it for me please?

Did you see what Gym said after my comment? " Just a little grinding (about 1/16th of an inch) at the 3 & 9 o:clock positions of the scupper flange is all that is necessary to make it fit. "

*EDIT* Scott beat me too it.

If you don't want to do that just give me a measurement, I don't have that boat any more and I forget what size I turned it down to, and a return label and I can do it.
Did you see what Gym said after my comment? " Just a little grinding (about 1/16th of an inch) at the 3 & 9 o:clock positions of the scupper flange is all that is necessary to make it fit. "

*EDIT* Scott beat me too it.

If you don't want to do that just give me a measurement, I don't have that boat any more and I forget what size I turned it down to, and a return label and I can do it.

Thank you gentlemen! I may box it up and get it turned, depends if I can find a cheap bench grinder. I’ve put this off for too long and will be wet slipping next season(s) and I need to do this.
Thank you gentlemen! I may box it up and get it turned, depends if I can find a cheap bench grinder. I’ve put this off for too long and will be wet slipping next season(s) and I need to do this.
Just PM me if you need a ship too address.
I just went out to measure mine. The scupper flange is 3 inch diameter out of the box. After grinding the 3 & 9 o'clock positions it measures 2 7/8 left to right. So just take 1/16th off of the 3 o'clock position and the same from the 9 o'clock position. You can barely see it in the pic. You could do this with a hand file but much easier with a grinder. Make it a good 16th so the flange fits flush.
Hmmm, looks like you mounted it sideways. ;)