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I found that disconnecting the scupper hose at the cabin end and allowing the whole thing to but assembled outside the boat was a lot easier that trying to reach down to push it together....not sure if everyone else did this....then all I had to do was slide on the hose clamp and tighten it.

I found that disconnecting the scupper hose at the cabin end and allowing the whole thing to but assembled outside the boat was a lot easier that trying to reach down to push it together....not sure if everyone else did this....then all I had to do was slide on the hose clamp and tighten it.

View attachment 31203
Thanks for posting this !!
I found that disconnecting the scupper hose at the cabin end and allowing the whole thing to but assembled outside the boat was a lot easier that trying to reach down to push it together....not sure if everyone else did this....then all I had to do was slide on the hose clamp and tighten it.

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@Julian how did you put on the large threaded nut that came with the scupper valve? Did it slide over the drain hose?
I put it all together in the bilge...that was when I realized it was going to be a bear to push the hose onto the barb end of the scupper. So I disconnected the cabin end and slide the scupper and hose out. I just slid the hose clamp and threaded nut up the hose further. See the shot below....this was before I got smart.
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I put it all together in the bilge...that was when I realized it was going to be a bear to push the hose onto the barb end of the scupper. So I disconnected the cabin end and slide the scupper and hose out. I just slid the hose clamp and threaded nut up the hose further. See the shot below....this was before I got smart.
View attachment 31204
Nice. That's thinking out of the box err... out of the bilge. :)
HA, I wish I would have thought of that when I did mine.
That IS certainly thinking outside the bilge!
Is this the correct Life Calk that you guys are using?
Is this the correct Life Calk that you guys are using?
That's what I used. I found it a little more user friendly than the 4200 as the set up time was a little slower.
That's the stuff!
Great. I ordered the new scupper over the winter. Just ordered that plumping wrench another member suggested. Found a new one on ebay for $8 plus a little shipping, so the Life Calk is the last thing to get.

Thanks everyone!.
Great. I ordered the new scupper over the winter. Just ordered that plumping wrench another member suggested. Found a new one on ebay for $8 plus a little shipping, so the Life Calk is the last thing to get.

Thanks everyone!.
Why didn't you just put your name on the scupper wrench list? We have 2 or 3 floating around that we all just ship between each other.
Why didn't you just put your name on the scupper wrench list? We have 2 or 3 floating around that we all just ship between each other.

I did think of that, but my life is so hectic, work, family, etc, that it's easier for me to have everything here so that when I do find time, I can knock it out. I didn't want to request the wrench and have it sitting here waiting for me and someone else needing it before I got to it.

You guys and this site have saved me a bunch of money on repairs, etc that I would have normally taken to the dealer, but felt comfortable doing myself based on the many write ups.

I can relate to the busy life!
Ordered mine I need to get on the scupper wrench list!
Ordered mine I need to get on the scupper wrench list!

Just a quick note, your scupper will have to be modified to fit in the recess on the 2 sides. A machine shop or a grinder......etc.
I just used a bench grinder (doesn't take much) and a medium size air of channel lock pliers. Found it much easier to move or remove the starboard water box.
While you are in there are you going to put in tow valves?