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If you're concerned see if you can locate a brass scupper. The main thing is to get the plastic one out of your boat.
Agreed. That plastic one is complete garbage. Many in this thread, including myself, have had theirs break off by not much more than a light touch. The stock piece has to go and ASAP. It's not a matter of if, but when it fails.
Just snapped a picture of mine. I don't see any rust but I don't think it stays wet down there. Nylon seems like a good suggestion for guys that have not done it yet.IMG_2897rev1.jpg
@buckbuck , Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for, a good shot of the location.

I'm probably over thinking the whole thing considering the boat is in it's 12th season and has has zero issues so far. I probably take on more water along the hinge to the engine hatch than I do back there. :cool:
On our 210 series boat the drain plug is several inches below the scupper. There is a shelf between the two, but water should find its way down to the drain pretty easily.

My plastic scupper is just fine my boat is 10 years old I believe the problem with the plastic scuppers is that at the factory there over tightening them and cracking them I check mine once a year I pull on it to check it, does not crack
I think you just need to inspect them

My plastic scupper is just fine my boat is 10 years old I believe the problem with the plastic scuppers is that at the factory there over tightening them and cracking them I check mine once a year I pull on it to check it, does not crack
I think you just need to inspect them
I have your same year boat as you. When I pulled my scupper to change to SS I found my plastic scupper was in great shape. Boating in salt water as you do I decided to change it anyway. The biggest advantage to doing so was to get my head down into the lower bilge where I found 3 broken clamps. So my scupper change out had some collateral advantages.
Agreed, Yes i have had broken clamps also Replaced the all with better stainless and coat them with Corrosion X heavy duty, I check the plastic every year. I will probably just replace the boat this year.

My plastic scupper is just fine my boat is 10 years old I believe the problem with the plastic scuppers is that at the factory there over tightening them and cracking them I check mine once a year I pull on it to check it, does not crack
I think you just need to inspect them
And I'm in the same boat....but now I'm paranoid :banghead:
I just decided to go through the boat and trailer thoroughly and this is one of the things on my list of stuff to do.
I always have to have a list.
IMO, that plastic scupper is a piece of crap. Mine snapped into pieces on a gentle pull when I was removing it. Replacing it was one of the best things I did, if for no other reason than piece of mind.
So... my turn. Checked the scupper a few weeks ago from inside, it was fine. Get to the Keys, take the boat out for the day, leave it moored at night. I come out this morning and find the bilge pump running. It does not stop. I eventually popped open the engine hatch and found my engines half submerged! Two bilge pumps cannot keep up with a 2 inch hole in a boat. Scupper outer flange was missing. Didn't want to start the engines, so threw on a pair of fins and a life jacket and swam her to the ramp. If I can find a scupper here tomorrow, I'll do the replacement and an oil change. If not, she gets hosed down and stays on the trailer for the rest of the week.
So... my turn. Checked the scupper a few weeks ago from inside, it was fine. Get to the Keys, take the boat out for the day, leave it moored at night. I come out this morning and find the bilge pump running. It does not stop. I eventually popped open the engine hatch and found my engines half submerged! Two bilge pumps cannot keep up with a 2 inch hole in a boat. Scupper outer flange was missing. Didn't want to start the engines, so threw on a pair of fins and a life jacket and swam her to the ramp. If I can find a scupper here tomorrow, I'll do the replacement and an oil change. If not, she gets hosed down and stays on the trailer for the rest of the week.
Thanks for posting. Sorry about the trouble. But this is a good warning to the procrastinators on the board.
So... my turn. Checked the scupper a few weeks ago from inside, it was fine. Get to the Keys, take the boat out for the day, leave it moored at night. I come out this morning and find the bilge pump running. It does not stop. I eventually popped open the engine hatch and found my engines half submerged! Two bilge pumps cannot keep up with a 2 inch hole in a boat. Scupper outer flange was missing. Didn't want to start the engines, so threw on a pair of fins and a life jacket and swam her to the ramp. If I can find a scupper here tomorrow, I'll do the replacement and an oil change. If not, she gets hosed down and stays on the trailer for the rest of the week.
I've got a stainless steel scupper in my garage because I'm one of those procrastinators. You want it overnighted? Let me know and we can work $ out later.

Do you need to grind down two sides like on my 230?
You could also bang out the plastic crap and bang in a wooden plug that most boat stores carry.
Murf, if I am recalling correctly, he will not have to grind the sides on the 210 series boats. I seem to remembering it being an easy mod except reaching way down there and tightening the nut.
Does not need grinding for me if you haven't already done it (if you have, I'll do a new one for you and send it back if you like). Send the details and shipping info to your inbox. :thumbsup:
smthng, are your engines ok?
@buckbuck Engines should be good... water never made it to spark plugs, computers or air filters. I started them this morning and they sounded fine and oil looks okay. I'll be doing a full change when I get home anyway just in case, but I think I got it out of the water in time (barely).
Just for reference, I ordered (and just installed) the Attwood 66553-1/66553-3 version. It's 5 1/2" total length and is pictured above installed in the post by @buckbuck . According to the specs on the Attwood site, a 66557-1 might be a better match... it's an inch shorter as it uses less thread. It's still longer than the stock plastic one, but it's closer. Either should work, so it would depend mostly on which you can find at what price you want to pay.

If someone ends up with a 66557-1 and can verify that it's a good fit, it would be helpful to future victims if that can be confirmed as a good replacement as well at the 66553.