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Do you guys reseal around the clean out tubes? Is there any need to or just make sure the hose clamps are tight? I plan to reseal the access hatch and put some sealant in a few of the screw holes that are stripped out as well.
Do you guys reseal around the clean out tubes? Is there any need to or just make sure the hose clamps are tight? I plan to reseal the access hatch and put some sealant in a few of the screw holes that are stripped out as well.
I tried to reseal the tube that attaches to the scupper..... on the first disaster attempt at replacement. But the second attempt I did not. I realized there is no need to as long as the hose is on the scupper and the clamp is tight.
Do you guys reseal around the clean out tubes? Is there any need to or just make sure the hose clamps are tight? I plan to reseal the access hatch and put some sealant in a few of the screw holes that are stripped out as well.

I didn't caulk around the clean out tubes.

But I see you are in Florida too and boat in salt water like me. I highly recommend replacing all of your hose clamps with Stainless Steel Clamps while you are down there. I found a couple old hose clamps laying in my bilge. They rusted through and broke. So I replaced all of the clamps and sprayed them down with T-9.
Ok I've been reading all the comments on this topic and I have a question. If the scupper valve is working, even if the treads get cracked, the flap should hold out most of the water correct? Gonna replace mine but I'm contemplating waiting til fall. My bilge never runs. Knock on wood.
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Ok I've been reading all the comments on this topic and I have a question. If the scupper valve is working, even if the treads get cracked, the flap should hold out most of the water correct? Gonna replace mine but I'm contemplating waiting til fall. My bilge never runs. Knock on wood.
@Marvin willis. The crack usually happens on the scupper threads between the large plastic nut and the hull. Once the plastic nut is not providing adhesion to the hull the only thing left is the Silicon that Yamaha uses which I belive is not adequate for below water use. That will fail quickly leaving a 2.5 inch hole in your hull. This has been proven the hard way by several members.

When I replaced mine it was in perfect shape but I do sleep better now. If I were you, I would pull the clean out tray, reach down and give the scuper valve a little wiggle. If it doesn't break off in your hand go ahead with a fall or spring replacement. It's not IF it will fail but WHEN and it never fails on the trailer.
I checked mine tonight. Everything is perfect as of now Gonna buy an expansion plug tomorrow as a back up and I'll replace mine in the fall if not earlier
Y'all made me a little nervous.
There have been make members who decided to replace theirs and it falls apart in their hands when they touch it the first time... it's a rather large issue.. we replaced ours this spring the old one was not cracked and I saw no evidence of leaking but the plastic had began getting really brittle where u could take your finger nail and scrap plastic off of it.
There have been make members who decided to replace theirs and it falls apart in their hands when they touch it the first time... it's a rather large issue.. we replaced ours this spring the old one was not cracked and I saw no evidence of leaking but the plastic had began getting really brittle where u could take your finger nail and scrap plastic off of it.
That was me....my boat was a 2005, I replaced the scupper last fall. When I went to grab it from the inside to snap it off, I was expecting some resistance....it was like snapping a match stick. :eek:
That was me....my boat was a 2005, I replaced the scupper last fall. When I went to grab it from the inside to snap it off, I was expecting some resistance....it was like snapping a match stick. :eek:

Add me to the list of people shocked how easily the old scupper fell apart/popped out. Changed mine this weekend after acquiring my first Yamaha jet boat within the last month.
Even after reading repeated forums about how many fail.... agree, a must do if someone still has the plastic one. I believe mine was already cracked and just sitting in place. It took no force to remove it from the opening. Many thanks to a jet boat pro @buckbuck for helping me do it right.
pl scupper.JPG ss scupper.JPG
That is exactly how mine broke . peace of mind knowing its good now.
Looks like this will be my first upgrade. Any of the Raleigh folks want to help a brother out?
Looks like this will be my first upgrade. Any of the Raleigh folks want to help a brother out?
What? The scupper? Oh... My wife and I are luck to be married after that saga! I had to trash the first one and buy a 2nd one. Where r u in Raleigh?
If u ever want to put a 2nd bilge pump back there it would be a too time to do it while doing the scupper
I'll get in touch when it comes in. I don't take possession of the boat til next Monday anyways. I saw the part about having to grind a little.