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Shipping covers

Spoke with my dealer today. He said all boats come with a shipping cover. However, if you have a model with a tower, those boats are shipped in without the tower attached. The dealerships attach the tower upon arrival. Once the tower is on, the shipping cover will no longer fit. If your model just has a Bimini top, the shipping cover will still fit.
That's odd - looks to me like the towers are attached, but folded (likely with the shipping brackets installed), though didn't get to look at it up close. It'd be even better for me if I could put that cover on over a folded tower for the winter.

I have my shipping cover and it fits right over the tower when it’s down. It has ratchets on the sides to tighten it also. It’s pretty nice actually. Covers pretty much the whole boat.
I figured the info from the dealer seemed odd. I’m guessing not all salespeople look for the actual answer, they just BS hoping that will satisfy you.

Safe to say we should all get our shipping covers and be able to use them.
Yes you should. The dealerships just throw them away or sell them. Like I said, my dealer told me to give them a call if I need another one down the road when mine wears out.
Yes you should. The dealerships just throw them away or sell them. Like I said, my dealer told me to give them a call if I need another one down the road when mine wears out.

Did they mention what they would sell them for?
Did they mention what they would sell them for?
My dealer said $120. That was last year. Turned out they did not have any AR240 cover at the time, I lucked out and purchased one from another member here for that price.

I love those covers - for any long distance towing.

I use my shipping cover for winter storage but Ive also not had a chance to take it off since getting the boat out of storage. Maybe one of these days it will warm up here in central Indiana and I can get my covers switched out
I picked up my new 2018 212 Limited today and I did receive the shipping cover. The dealer did say Yamaha was concerned with residue and dirt picked up by the shipping covers staining the vinyl.
Thought I would add a little bit of information here.......

my boat (and it looks like other larger models) had the tower installed with the shipping cover on. Here is mine during our buying process with others in the background.

Also if anyone wants the part number for a cover from a 2017 AR190 then it can be found in the below picture :D
I bought my Yamaha in 2016, it was a demo boat with 35 hours. It did not com with a cover. However a marina employee picked one up that was being hauled away. I'm glad I ran into him that day. The cover is as good as new b/c the boat is stored in a garage off season. I would like to purchase a premium cover at some point.