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*shiver* Does anyone snowboard?

Good powder day in the trees over in Alberta side today

All right, it’s almost that time again!!

We’re headed to Lake Tahoe in early March (stupid trade show in mid February screwed up my normal plans) and we’re staying at the base of Heavenly at an HGV property. We will be there 5 days with Mon/Fri being travel days so I got a two day Epic pass for $174 - way cheaper than Park City last year. I will ride Heavenly for sure and I hope either Kirkwood or Northstar the other day. The last time I was in Tahoe we hit Heavenly, Kirkwood, and Squaw Valley so I’m thinking I might try Northstar.

Had some right knee issues while I was riding in Park City last year that I need to get a handle on this season. After I had meniscus surgery in 2015 I bought bindings with canted foot beds and went from binding angles of +15 / 0 to a duck stance that ended up at +18 / -18 that I thought would ease the stress on my surgically repaired right knee. After talking with some peeps on my second favorite message board, this may be leading to my current knee pain and I’m going to move my rear binding from -18 back towards 0 and see how it goes. Anyway, glad to have an activity that I can do in the winter - makes Wisconsin much more palatable December through March when you have a reason to look forward to snow. :)