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*shiver* Does anyone snowboard?

Headed out for another trip this season. Monarch opened last weekend. So hoping we get to go every 2 weeks until close.
Monarch is skiing well for a hill that makes no snow. Browns spots in places , I took some older skis and glad I did, lots of rocks exposed on the black trails. The patrol has done a lot of sidestepping getting the trails ready for another snow fall.
No pictures, but my son and I got the dust off our skis Tuesday night.
I had so much fun surfing and wakeboarding this summer that I'm thinking I might try snowboarding again this winter. I used to ski as a kid and teenager, but the boards of those days were expensive and too cumbersome for me to ever have fun with. We have a ski area 30 miles north of us, so that's a positive. Looks like gear and a season pass for the family would put me back about 3-4k for the year, then less the next year.

So, any snowboarders out there? How does wakeboarding translate to snow? Wakeboarding was easy for me to get a hold of because of the skateboarding I did as a kid. Same skills apply?

Help me fill in this list:

No waiting for a tow or for the boat to turn around after falling.
Get a lot more board time in an afternoon.
No spend on gas.
Nothing to maintain during the season.
Longer season here in Wisconsin

Cold AF.
Falls probably hurt more.
My daughter might learn snowboarding but my wife doesn't do sport things, so it reduces that type of family time.
A lot more people in your "fun zone"
DB kids everywhere.
Cold AF.
Cold AF.

I don't do any of that stuff you do, but my late 70's FIL was on the ski patrol at Alpine Valley, and gave up his ski's for a snowboard when he was in his mid/late 50's, and said he'd never go back to ski's. That's enough of a recommendation for me to only choose a snowboard, should I ever take my fat ass to the top of a mountain covered in snow. He had to take care of enough people who wanted to look "cool" that he would have agreed to get a helmet. Got a Costco membership? They got a Model T helmet - white or black?
Dusting off this thread as I was a contributor in hijacking the "when did boats get so expensive" thread. So, for those of you that enjoy snowboarding and skiing - are you going anywhere this winter or getting any new gear?

I bought all new gear before last season so I'm set for at least the next few years:

Board: Amplid Pentaquark
Boots: Ride Insano
Bindings: Flow NX2 Carbon

We went to Angel Fire and Taos in New Mexico last year and had a great time. It snowed most of the 48 hours before I got on the lift at Taos and the storm dropped about 26 inches of snow.

We joined Hilton Grand Vacations and we're trying to figure out where to go in February. They have resorts in Tahoe, Whistler, Breckenridge, and Park City but I've been to all of those places already. Seriously considering Telluride but spending extra $$ on a hotel when I just dumped $$$ on a Hilton Grand Vacations membership is a bit silly. :-/
That's the problem when you lock-in lodging LOL. We have a cabin 15 miles from our little local hill and never go anywhere cool since it is tough to justify going somewhere that I have to pay for lodging and lift tickets. We would rent the cheapest pieces of crap vrbo's or motel rooms when the daughter ski raced but that was the only times we would go elsewhere. I've got some friends who live on a little local lake who never go to nicer waters for the same reason. First world problems right!?!? LOL
I don’t snowboard anymore since my son can go alone or without me. But unless you have been to all the Tahoe resorts, I suggest you keep the ones you have not visited under consideration.
That's the problem when you lock-in lodging LOL. We have a cabin 15 miles from our little local hill and never go anywhere cool since it is tough to justify going somewhere that I have to pay for lodging and lift tickets. We would rent the cheapest pieces of crap vrbo's or motel rooms when the daughter ski raced but that was the only times we would go elsewhere. I've got some friends who live on a little local lake who never go to nicer waters for the same reason. First world problems right!?!? LOL

Our local "hills" are 250'-300' tall - I'd go insane if that is all I could ride on for a season. There are some resorts a little further away but nothing like you see our west/east. :-/

I don’t snowboard anymore since my son can go alone or without me. But unless you have been to all the Tahoe resorts, I suggest you keep the ones you have not visited under consideration.

I've been to Heavenly, Kirkwood, and Squaw Valley - not sure if the remaining resorts are worth the trip.
Our local "hills" are 250'-300' tall - I'd go insane if that is all I could ride on for a season. There are some resorts a little further away but nothing like you see our west/east. :-/

I've been to Heavenly, Kirkwood, and Squaw Valley - not sure if the remaining resorts are worth the trip.
Take a look at North Star, Sierra and Alpine Meadows. North Star has the longest groomed runs I’ve ever been on other than maybe mammoth but it’s nowhere near Tahoe.
Got lucky and found open dates at the end of January at the Sunrise Lodge which is a Hilton Grand Vacations property in Park City UT. I hadn’t realized that The Canyons resort was merged into Park City Mountain which was then purchased by Vail Properties.

Had enough to miles on American for free flights for me and the admiral so saved some money there that I’ll need to pay for my lift tickets. The Epic Pass is no longer available for this season and a standard three day lift ticket is $714!!. Once I saw that Vail Properties had purchased them I knew that I’d be in trouble but didn’t realize it would be that bad. I found some good lift ticket deals at Snowbasin and Power Mountain up towards Ogden but those are between 50 and 70 minutes away. The resorts in Little and Big Cottonwood canyons are really close as the crow flys but almost an hour away by car. :-/
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First day of riding in Park City and while the temp is a little high (mid 40’s) it wasn’t too bad. Grooming wasn’t that great - ice cubes all over the place. Made it a little over two hours and my legs were shot - I’m getting too old and too fat for this……..

Think I’m going to chase some powder this weekend. Heading out Thurs to catch the Friday /Saturday storm.

Second day on the mountain and conditions were identical to yesterday - kinda meh….

Looking up at Apex Ridge……


Definitely too fat for this but I saw lots of guys my age or older - gotta get in shape.



My plan is to hike to Alberta Peak (@ Wolf Creek) when the weather clears and ski down with the GoPro. Most people say it's about a 15-20 minute hike. It really depends on how deep the snow is since I will be doing the hike in Ski Boots, carrying my skis, at approx 11,500 feet of elevation. Hitting the road tomowwor. Sorry @Scottintexas , but I'm gonna be putting about 1500 more miles on that F-150.:oops:
Take a look at North Star, Sierra and Alpine Meadows. North Star has the longest groomed runs I’ve ever been on other than maybe mammoth but it’s nowhere near Tahoe.
Made me think of the 4 o'clock run at Breck. Been a few years since I've been there but I always loved ending my day with a top to bottom run that ended up in downtown Breck. It's a 3.5 mile long continuous run from the top of peak of 8 (12,998') that ends across the street from the liquor store in town (9,600').
Love Breck!! We stayed at a VRBO property a few years ago that had Lower 4 O’Clock running behind it which was nice at the end of the day.
If you haven’t been in a hot tub while it’s snowing you have no idea what you’re missing……. :)



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