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ShoreLand'r Trailer Recall May 17th 2024

Dealer should have submitted it to Yamaha and not shorelandr, I doubt they would ever cover anything directly concerning the boat.
My dealer contacted the trailer company directly through the warranty process. I have submitted a claim through my Progressive Insurance. I will ask my dealer about the Yamaha warranty cause Shoreland'r doesn't have a normal person on the other end of the line. Have to leave message or send an email.
My dealer contacted the trailer company directly through the warranty process. I have submitted a claim through my Progressive Insurance. I will ask my dealer about the Yamaha warranty cause Shoreland'r doesn't have a normal person on the other end of the line. Have to leave message or send an email.

Damn man, I don't know if I would have went to progessive just yet, thats going to jack your rates up. Hopefully Yamaha takes care of it for you. Mine is scuffed but not destroyed like yours, I'm going to just dunk it super deep until I can get the trailer bunk replaced.
Also, for anyone wondering what the actual problem is, Shorelandr decided it would be a good idea to attach the bunks using bolt heads that arent countersunk. So basically the scratches are from through-bolts on the top of the bunk itself. The replacement uses a different style attachment, probably more akin to most other bunks like lag screws from the bottom or the sides.

If it helps, the guy at my dealer said basically just submerge the whole trailer fender when launching or recovery to avoid it until its fixed.
Thank you for the information folks. I will pick up my boat in the lift and inspect for any damage. I sold my 2019 212X that was pretty well set up for our family and upgraded to a 2024 222XD. It's a bit of a learning curve and I know "newer is not always better". But the trailer issue isn't something I would have anticipated. I'll have to drive 600 miles roundtrip for the closest Yamaha dealer which has my warranty information and will make the necessary repairs. I'll check back on this thread for any updates.
Damn man, I don't know if I would have went to progessive just yet, thats going to jack your rates up. Hopefully Yamaha takes care of it for you. Mine is scuffed but not destroyed like yours, I'm going to just dunk it super deep until I can get the trailer bunk replaced.
Nobody wants to cover it. The dealer basically didn’t want to deal with it. Plus I found a local guy to do the repair that can fit me in, unlike the dealer he was a month out for the repair. Our season isn’t really that long in Central PA. I dropped the boat off on Friday. My dealer just called me and told me my new bunks came in. My dealer is 2.5-3 hrs away. So I’m going to have my other guy put them on. And just drive truck to pick the boards up.
Nobody wants to cover it. The dealer basically didn’t want to deal with it. Plus I found a local guy to do the repair that can fit me in, unlike the dealer he was a month out for the repair. Our season isn’t really that long in Central PA. I dropped the boat off on Friday. My dealer just called me and told me my new bunks came in. My dealer is 2.5-3 hrs away. So I’m going to have my other guy put them on. And just drive truck to pick the boards up.
Post some pics once its taken care of, I'm curious how the new bunks are configured.
I will post some pictures once it is complete.
Just dropped mine off to get replaced. A little more insight. Apparently the bunks for the 22ft hull were moved inward to accomodate the ballast pump and drain system of the wake series boats. In doing so, the gap for the first chine to ride through is extremely small, and it can actually contact the metal bracket on the bunk in the right situation. The new bunks have a different bracket design that should eliminate this. I'm assuming they are also going to be moved out wider a few inches to make centering the boat easier. My lower chines always hit the board and cause it to sit offcenter a bit in the bunks, though I dont think they ever hit the metal bracket.
In the kit from the dealership only had the new bunk boards. Which are 4" shorter. Not sure what the change will be if they are 4" shorter. I didn't have the dealer replace them on my trailer because my boat is being repaired somewhere local to me. Does anyone else have confirmation that the only difference is the shorter bunk boards and not the brackets?
In the kit from the dealership only had the new bunk boards. Which are 4" shorter. Not sure what the change will be if they are 4" shorter. I didn't have the dealer replace them on my trailer because my boat is being repaired somewhere local to me. Does anyone else have confirmation that the only difference is the shorter bunk boards and not the brackets?
I got mine back from the dealer. The bunk and bracket are different. They are also spaced outward more, you can see on the trailer where the old bracket sat, and its probably 2-3 inches further outward. Havent launched or recovered yet so no word on how much of a difference it makes. I called a few dealers around the country, and they all said different things about what needed to be replaced and why. Definitely a shit show.
I got mine back from the dealer. The bunk and bracket are different. They are also spaced outward more, you can see on the trailer where the old bracket sat, and its probably 2-3 inches further outward. Havent launched or recovered yet so no word on how much of a difference it makes. I called a few dealers around the country, and they all said different things about what needed to be replaced and why. Definitely a shit show.

your correct a ShitShow ! So my dealer called me yesterday and said yes those are all that Shorelandr sent them for the repair. Do you happen to have a picture of your new brackets. The shop and I were talking about modifying the brackets because it is the point on the bracket that sticks up not far between the boards that with the same boards will do the same damage. I am tempted to call another shop and see what they say.
your correct a ShitShow ! So my dealer called me yesterday and said yes those are all that Shorelandr sent them for the repair. Do you happen to have a picture of your new brackets. The shop and I were talking about modifying the brackets because it is the point on the bracket that sticks up not far between the boards that with the same boards will do the same damage. I am tempted to call another shop and see what they say.
I'll post a pic later this afternoon, just been busy around the house. Weather has been shit so no lake for me this weekend.
your correct a ShitShow ! So my dealer called me yesterday and said yes those are all that Shorelandr sent them for the repair. Do you happen to have a picture of your new brackets. The shop and I were talking about modifying the brackets because it is the point on the bracket that sticks up not far between the boards that with the same boards will do the same damage. I am tempted to call another shop and see what they say.
Is Park Marine your dealer? I haven't got letter, so I guess I wait for that to contact Park.
I have spoken to the service manager (Randy Sosebee) at Park Marine Port Royale. I sent him a copy of the above letter and he has started the process. The Kennesaw might be closer to you.
In case you did not see @Julian 's post from a couple of days ago, there is now a forum just for 22's.
So the fix is a new slightly chambered bunks? And the bracket moved one bolt hole outwards? On my boat the ballast hole is right there on the edge of the bunks. I wonder what the fix will be on the wake models. Still haven't gotten my notice yet.
I have spoken to the service manager (Randy Sosebee) at Park Marine Port Royale. I sent him a copy of the above letter and he has started the process. The Kennesaw might be closer to you.

Actually I keep my boat in a slip at Port Royale so it's the service dept I use. - sent Randy my recall letter 5/25. Nothing yet.
Just brought mine home for some minor adjustments. I see that the bunks have been moved from the original location already. I purchased it in March of this year. 1000013116.jpg
I bought my boat in March 2024 and the model number is: HLT1050A - ABP but the recall only says A/B. Not sure what ABP means? What I also find odd is that my shoreland'r trailer says its a 2025MY (Trailer: 2025 SHORE LANDR YAV51TEMWMS0). I have never gotten a recall notice yet.
Does anybody have a side by side old bunk placement / bracket vs new bunk placement / bracket?

EDIT 7/2/2024: I sent an email to ShoreLand'r and they said I am good to go.

Your trailer was manufactured with the new style of bunk brackets. Therefore, it is not part of the service bulletin.
Michelle Johannsen
122 E. State Hwy. 175 · Ida Grove, IA 51445
T 712.364.3365 ext 316
TF 800.859.3028
ShoreLandr.com · ShoreStation.com

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