I'm going to vent, because ramp courtesy is one of my biggest pet peeves!! So our marina has 4 ramps (if people know how to back). A single ramp on the left, a dock, a double ramp in the middle ( which most D-bags think is just a giant single ramp for their personal use) another dock, and then a single ramp on the right. To the right and left of these are multiple docks and wet slips. I can't figure out why people insist on tying there damn boats up to the docks in the middle of the ramps. So like I do every time, I park my boat at one of the docks or empty slips ten feet down from the ramps and pack up what I can for the day. My wife stays with the boat while I go get the truck and get in line for the ramps. Finally I get the trailer backed in, and walk the 10 feet over and get the boat which my wife already has running and ready to step in and go. We are working on teaching her how to back and load, but I have enough courtesy to know Memorial Day weekend is not the time or place for giving lessons (which others apparently did not!) So I pull around and start to line up with the trailer and find some kid with 2 jet skis tied up behind my trailer. To the left of that is someone's 24'searay with no owner in sight tied to the other dock. And I loose it!! I lay on the horn for a few seconds and shout at the kid "An entire marina worth of parking and you have to tie up in front of the ramp"! You could tell he was embarrassed and started to try and pull the skis against the dock but one would float back out as soon as he let go to grab the other. I was able to ease around him, but it made my approach crooked and had to spend extra time getting straight on the trailer. The guy next to me, since I gave enough room to put 2 vehicles on the double ramp, was irritated too since his wife was having to weave around the abandoned sea Ray to get on the trailer. My wife was already in the truck, and pulled out into the parking lot as soon as the bow strap was secured and I gave the signal. From the time my trailer hits the water to leaving the water is 3 or 4 minutes. I look for that to shorten as soon as I get her backing comfortably. Since I'm venting, why do people insist on fishing infront of the ramps and then giving me dirty looks like I'm in your way. Again, you have an entire marina or river for that matter to fish in!!! Ok I'll step off my soap box.