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Snow Blower

I know I know that many have been waiting with bated breath regarding my newView attachment 230182View attachment 230183 snowblower. After three plus years I finally got to use new snowblower.
How did your batteries do for that? Looks like a good situation for such a machine, not sure if a bigger snowfall would overwhelm it, but for your use case their, looks ideal.

Other than the cold and snow, I find snowmowing fun and therapeutic.
How did your batteries do for that? Looks like a good situation for such a machine, not sure if a bigger snowfall would overwhelm it, but for your use case their, looks ideal.
It took three charges on the battery. It was close anymore and I doubt it would have worked. Also took a little pushing specially if the snow was wet.
John, how much snow did you get? We got about 13” total just west of Millsboro. Drive by our Lowe’s on Friday and they had the ride-on mowers out! 😀. Enjoy your blower while you can, as I may buy one next year!
It took three charges on the battery. It was close anymore and I doubt it would have worked. Also took a little pushing specially if the snow was wet.
Yeah, single stage machines like that aren't built for wet snow, even the gas machines aren't ideal.

Is that a single battery machine, or a dual? Hard to look at the price of some of the dual battery machines, but I also have been eyeing a 30"+ machine. If I had a place (and need) to store a riding mower, I'd be adding a 48" machine to it for some winter fun. At those prices though, a 4-wheeler with a pusher blade is hard to beat for price
@drewkaree I advise adding chains to your snowmower or 4-wheeler. My 4WD is pretty much useless without them.

John, how much snow did you get? We got about 13” total just west of Millsboro. Drive by our Lowe’s on Friday and they had the ride-on mowers out! 😀. Enjoy your blower while you can, as I may buy one next year!
We got about 5 to 6 inches. That is the most we have had in years