It's probably the solenoid.
In my humble experience your symptoms are better explained by slowly failing solenoid. I could be wrong, Jeff with Cobra steering has more hours or a jet ski than I do of time awake almost... but the fact it started fine many times before and was flaky for some time sounds more electrical than jet pump binding .
Have you ever taken off your jet pump? If you do and the problem remains, that will tell you for sure if the pump is bound up or not. I would suggest strongly you get a hold of your boat's service manual, it will show you where stuff is, and how to get to it. You pump is now 8 years old. No harm in re-greasing or even re-doing the bearings if it's rattling, but my $5 bet is on the issue being the solenoid and not the pump. Notice I am not willing to bet over $5.
That black box has a few components in it. I'm not familiar with your boat model, but on mine it's not a horrible job, the hardest part is removing the black box from the boat as it requires 2 people since the nuts and bolts are in separate compartments and you need a helping hand. (On my boat)
Once the black box is on hand, remove the 800 screws keeping it together (only a slight exaggeration - maybe 20?) and then find and replace the solenoid inside the box. put the wires in the same location they were on, and replace on the solenoid any additional wires to it. On mine there is a small eye/round connector that goes in the +12V solenoid stud from the battery, If you get this in the wrong stud the boat won't crank, (don't ask me how I found out, I'm familiar with the job I had to do it twice

) In essence, be mindful of how it looked before you touched it, label the 3 wires that go in the studs on the solenoid, and put it back as it was before, and you will be DONE. It's a 2 hour job if you go very slow, very doable at home. No need to pay someone else to do it.