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SX 192 Mods

I don't have any pictures. Pretty simple setup though. I removed the stock resonator, crossed over to the starboard side and exit through a 4" tip with flapper.

An internal silencer can be added to the tip with no performance loss.

You can put a silicone 90 on the tip to turn exhaust under water at slow speeds. You should use thru bolts to install the tip if you plan on hanging anything off of it. I mounted with stainless screws and have not experimented with anything else.

Had big plans of having exhaust exit behind the ride plate under the pump, but don't have time to mess with it.

This is the tip I'm using now. It's a little loud sitting against the rear backrest. I never sit there so it sounds good to me.
Very nice!
With that kind of exhaust tip, a FAE tip/adapter would be fairly easy to find or manufacture.
Do you see any disadvantages as far as using FAE in our boats?

EDIT: I’ll start a new thread on FAE, no need to clatter this one! Let me know if want me to delete this post.

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Very nice!
With that kind of exhaust tip, a FAE tip/adapter would be fairly easy to find or manufacture.
Do you see any disadvantages as far as using FAE in our boats?

Never found anything that would work on these boats. The factory stuff is way too expensive anyway. I purchased some oval tubing, but didn't do anything with it. I want to have it exit under the pump like an extended ride plate. It would work, but would take a lot of time to get it to fit right. Or, you could just turn it down right off of that 4" tip.

I was thinking along those lines:
you could just turn it down right off of that 4" tip.
So - basically - elbow it down with an oval/narrowing or slanted tube? I would absolutely love that when surfing.
I also tend to keep the motors running to prevent hard starts, typically the port side engine, I believe your explanation that it is due to heat off of the strbd engine exhaust manifold!

It would work better on a twin with the drop pipe in the center. Would be a time consuming project, but wouldn't be too hard.
Do you see any issues with back pressure on a pipe with exhaust tip reaching down? I’m thinking not, it doesn’t seem to hurt those big inboards, but I would like to hear it from you! Nothing too long/deep but maybe going down 10-12”?

I was going to connect it to the 4" tip with a silicone coupler and turn the oval pipe straight down. I think the factory systems have an angled cut on the back to prevent the tip from scooping water or causing back pressure. I mounted mine then realized I would need bolts instead of screws for the exhaust tip. Never bought the bolts and haven't had time to get back to it.
Do you see any issues with back pressure on a pipe with exhaust tip reaching down? I’m thinking not, it doesn’t seem to hurt those big inboards, but I would like to hear it from you! Nothing too long/deep but maybe going down 10-12”?

I think the factory systems have an angled cut on the back to prevent the tip from scooping water or causing back pressure.
I believe so, yes. They want to create some Venturi effect to suck exhaust out of the pipe, hence angled cut.
Again, very helpful discussion - many thanks!

I have a question for you guys. Has anyone replaced the gauges in there boat? I am looking to replace the gauges in my 2014 SX192 and can’t really find anything on them.