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Thinking about getting a splash pad, any suggestions?

We went with the Airhead Gang Plank and LOVE it. Easy to blow up, thick durable material and we can zip them together with our other boaters. They blow up pretty quick with the pump, and roll up and store in the stern seat storage on the swim platform. It's 6 x 10 and incredibly durable. The foam mats were too cumbersome and bulky, this was the alternative and works great!

The splash pad from Sierra Trading Post arrived today. I got it out of the box to take a look at it, and while it's not as nice as the one I used last summer (that costs $1k), it seems like it will be perfect for the kids.

I would recommend something like this to anyone with kids. Its the equivalent of when we rented the bouncy house for my 5-year old's birthday; you can't keep the kids off it.
F4CE54EA-3597-4985-B4A9-341396F17640.jpeg 94D2A99D-46BA-466D-830B-AF445A2612A9.jpeg I got this 6x15’ foam mat from Sams Club for $249. Rolls up nicely and secures to the cleats on my swim platform.
Very nice

We’ve only had mine out once so far and it was great!

I tied it up to a clear too, but it’s going to get its own mushroom anchor so I can move it further away from the boat.

It was too close to the hull and I was afraid the kids were going to bang into it.
@AboveTheBest I got the one you found/recommended - big thank you. It is pretty cool, the kids LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Pain to roll back, but doable. Totally worth it!


Our neighbor (with 24ft TriToon) bought one of the Sams Club Mats. I can personally speak to it not being stable enough for a 225lb 6'2" tall guy to stand on. It won't taco with kids, but a couple of grown men can make it taco in a hurry......assuming we can get the kids off it for a few minutes. He agrees its easily one of the best boating purchases he's made.
We are finishing up a week long boating trip at Norris Lake, before we left I purchased the one from Sams Club.
The kids loved it, running, jumping, etc..
this is a must have for an already enjoyable lake trip.
Are any of these inflatable islands towable