Finally got around to mounting my antenna! First of all, I wanted to mount the antenna as high as possible as this is critical when it comes to range, so I was aiming for the very top of the tower all along. Also don't forget that your antenna should be mounted vertically with no angle to it. I see many people mounting their antennas at a cool back swept angle, this will diminish its range. Others have put theirs lower
like this one. I also wanted the antenna to be removable so it wouldn't bounce around up there when trailering etc.
Running the wire through the bimini frame was easy....I was able to just push it through on its own. The bigger lower tower required a fishtape pushed up from the bottom to pull the wire down through the tower. Here are some photos of the end result:
The wire going between the two sections of the tower (white wire is the antenna wire):
View attachment 69826
Here is the finished radio install. The wire just reached...with like 4 inches to spare!!!
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Here is the tower mounted bracket (Shakespeare rail mount) as seen from the front:
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And here is the bracket as seen from the rear. The only thing I need to do now is seal off that hole. If I did it again, I would have drilled out a hole in the cap that was over that hole, but I failed to think about that BEFORE I pulled the wire through the tower! D'Oh! So I will take the plug that was in there and drill it then cut it and glue it (more work but same result!)
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The handle should be easily accessible through the zipper in the bimini fabric put there so you can raise and lower the tower light.