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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports

I can’t speak for Kyma as I don’t know much about them seeing 20-30% or more in some cases in leftover 2024 boats. Brands like Malibu might be even more due to their whole Tommy’s legal battle fiasco right now. Boats and other recreational toys aren’t flying off the shelves like pandemic and pre pandemic and when you add in poor economy and inflation these kind of non-essential toys simply aren’t going for MSRP or over like they were before. Well, maybe except for Yamaha since those guys never budge or at most throw in some lifejackets and other crap you can buy but no steep discounts like other boat brands, Maybe Kyma is doing the same but I just don’t know anything about them.
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What's your new boat gonna come in at $$$ wise. Reason I'm asking is I'm trying to gauge if I even consider the kyma at 140k with the non sc motor, or do they really need to think about their price point before going into full production.

Kyma price point is horrible, it's too expensive to sway jetboat shoppers to them and just expensive as some more established wake boat brands, so they won't be stealing any buyers from those manufacturers. Unless you need the jetdrive to get through shallows, a jetdtive doesn't make sense.
The SV has arrived at my dealer from their other location! Demo is tomorrow and if all goes well she will be mine next week.IMG_4765.jpeg
My dealer sent me some interior pics while they were out giving the boat a shakedown. I’m leaving at 5am tomorrow morning to drive down to my storage unit and get everything out of my Max and wipe her down one last time to meet the new potential buyers and do a water test. Then off to the dealer to go demo the SV to make sure it’s what we want (I know I do lol …but I want my wife and daughter to like it too). My ultra blue flake popped pretty hard against the white on my Max and he said the SV was popping off real nice at sunset today against the black. Pretty stoked for tomorrow and will be hard to get some sleep lol.

Good luck with the sale and purchase! Looking forward to hearing the comparison between the 2 boats. Dig the color scheme, going to be a sweet ride.
Max sold this morning to a really nice couple out of Georgia. Bittersweet to see her go but at least she’s going to a nice fam.


Then the wife, daughter and I demoed the new boat and feel in love. So much tech and nice amenities it’s hard to comprehend tbh. Wave was bonkers and push for days EVERYWHERE!! Driving home now but I’ll type more when I get home. I’ve been up since 4am cleaning the old boat and running around all day I’m wore out lol. We take delivery next week since banks were closed today. I’ll have a ton of pics and vids once I get her in the storage unit.


My wife driving with the power seat way up lol. No bolster really needed in this boat!…

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Wave is nuts! Soooo much push for days! The last clip you see how far back I recovered from and this wasn’t even with my normal board with better fin setup. wakeboard wave is also legit according to my dealer driving it yesterday.

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One thing I missed from my Yamaha was the swindeck ladder. so I bought one for my Max 2 years ago buy never got around to installing it. One of the options I for sure wanted on my next boat was a ladder or drop step and thankfully the SV I’m looking at has it optioned! I‘m a big guy and it’s laughable how I have to lung myself onto my Max’s swim platform that doesn’t have a ladder lol. Sometimes I’d fill some rear ballast to sink the ass end to help lower the swim platform. I wanted to do a proper ladder install which would mean through-bolting it which would also mean a new gatorstep for the swim platfom. Some guys just use 5200 and a lag bolt but I didn’t want to risk it even though nobody has issues doing it that way. Either way, the new powered drop step is a nice touch and one we will use every single time out! Goodbye bruised knees from climbing in lol.

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That powered step is cool. Nice feature. Wake 9 did a vid on it and he’s not a small dude.
Took delivery today!! Tested out the wakeboard advanced autowake profile and this thing throws an insane wakeboard wake. Of course I don’t wakeboard but I’d love to see someone fly in the air behind this beast lol.

This weekend I made an in-depth tour video of our new SV. I went over all the 2024 features, gave some DSD audio examples, showed the surf wave with 1 person in the boat and 500 lbs of lead, gave comparisons and thoughts on the boat vs my Max, ride quality, and much more. It’s a long video at just over 17 minutes, but don’t worry, I’ve added timestamps in the description and on the video timeline so you can skip to whatever you want to hear or see.

I will say this boat with the 400 engine and 16x13.9 prop near sea level can’t hit 11’s with full ballast and 500 lbs of lead with the center plate below 35. I intend to move some of the lead towards the bow to see if that allows me to hit mid to high 11’s surfing. I also intend to buy a 16x12.50 prop and keep the 13.9 as a backup spare. I think the more aggressive pitch will help the boat run 11’s or higher on surf speeds regardless of lead or passenger placement. With the center plate at 35 and my lead placement, I was still able to achieve a pitch of 10 degrees, so maybe running at 11.x isn’t needed unlike what I did with my Max? I need to test this more now that break-in hours are over and I can lean on the motor more. Regardless of the pitch and speed numbers, just look at that wave or my previous videos. It speaks for itself! This boat packs a helluva punch stock or with just one person in the boat with a little lead!

More testing to do with moving lead around first before changing props and I’ll be sure to document more on the surf side of things next video. I know that Wake9 is also supposed to be demoing the SV with the 400 engine soon, so it should be interested to see what they think as well wilth the speeds Inand others are seeing with the 400 in the SV. Maybe 0 surf plate is not needed with this boat? Wave looks great at 0 center plate at 10.9 mph or at 35-45 center plate and 11.4 mph
