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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports

So, I personally blame this on @buckbuck. If he hadn’t introduced me to wake surfing many years ago behind his 212, none of this would have happened....
Sick!! I saw it on the FB group as well.
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Nice @007 !! What’s your thoughts compared to your Tige? Several years down the road I can see myself moving up to a Supra. That JL system SLAMS!
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Perfect color scheme
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It’s a totally different boat. Definitely takes the chop better, but it’s a foot and a half longer and over 1,000lbs. heavier. Plus my Tige was the year before they went to tabs so it was a listed boat. The Tige was a good boat, but this is a different beast.

Nice @007 !! What’s your thoughts compared to your Tige? Several years down the road I can see myself moving up to a Supra. That JL system SLAMS!
I see you went all out with the 550 too. I bet she sounds sweet with the SC whine.
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We almost pulled the trigger on an SE, sick boat!!
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The whine is nice! You only live once...
But the $$$ for 93 octane, woof!
Damn I just realized you also went with the stern thrusters. Can’t hide money! :winkingthumbsup"
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@OrangeTJ do you know where to get this step under the swim platform? Know if any pics of the mounting underneath? I’m thinking of adding a ladder under mine but I like that single, wide step on the MB. Not sure it would fit under my swim deck or not though.

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I like that step! (for when I'm older :D:p;))
That is a factory step that is an option on MBs. I don't think it is available aftermarket. It is nice, for sure. On my boat, I have a Garelick EEZ-In 3 step stainless steel ladder that I mounted to my platform. Works great, folds up tight against the bottom of the platform, and stays closed in all conditions underway. I did a writeup on my installation on the mbboatowners forum under the same user name if you are curious.
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Malibu’s flip down is nice but yea not $5k nice!
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