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73703 Enid, OK
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Whelp….. I paid the ENT $182 for him to tell me there’s not a damn thing he can do and I should just buy a fan to put next to the bed.

I’m scheduled for a hearing test. He said I may be a candidate for hearing aids.

if I could tell youngins anything it would be wear hearing protection and floss your teeth. Damn.
Before I retired active duty Air Force is when I had all my tests done and sent to a specialist that could tell exactly what frequency my ringing was and they are the ones that gave me the hearing aids that I could
Play noise through to mask it….every person I went to said there is nothing they can really
Do for it.
One Air Force doc said he had a trick that worked sometimes, then he immediately hit the bone right behind my ear with some
Sort of tool that reminded me of a spring loaded punch. It rang my bell like I got hit in the head with a pipe. From that moment on my left ear is worse than my right, it was the left side he did it to, I wanted to punch him, and I’m not a violent person at all, but I was pissed! No warning or anything. Still makes me mad thinking about it.

I hope something is developed to help it, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone….except maybe that doc that tried to “fix” me😁