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Tow Vehicle Dilemma...

I guess I need to start doing research on extended warranties soon. My 3/36 is up in November.

It's weird that had such failures. I don't recall anything like that on the Rams, and they e-torque has been out 3-4 years before the Wagoneer. Wonder if it was bad supply chain issues?

Maybe supply chain, maybe the way it's implemented? I wouldn't discount the fact that Wagoneers are like 80 grand, and people spemding 80 grand on something that was supposed to come with all this special treatment and the whole Wagoneer "brand" was supposed to be a higher end experience and all that. It's possible that the wagoneer customers are a bit more picky and vocal due to all that than people spending 40k on a ram.

All the same, I think the i6 will be a good thing for Wagoneer.
CPO for Ram and Ford are worth it if they're the factory warranties. And they are better as far as powertrain coverage goes.
Really wish I could on board with RAM products. The exterior looks sharp, and they appear to be a decent value.

Feels alot like a moped though......lot of fun to ride until your friends see you do it :D :D
Really wish I could on board with RAM products. The exterior looks sharp, and they appear to be a decent value.

Feels alot like a moped though......lot of fun to ride until your friends see you do it :D :D

Either need some new friends or therapy lol.
So here is a question on towing. I took a ride in my neighbor's new 85K Ford pickup electric vehicle. Really cool but no way I pay 85k for a truck. my 2019 Rami Hemi 4wd Big Horn purchased new for 35.4 out the door serves me fine. I was wondering however, what happens when he submerges the rear tires/wheel almost to the top when he has to drop his boat in at the ramp? WIll the salt water affect any of the components that get submerged? He had no idea and I was just curious.
So here is a question on towing. I took a ride in my neighbor's new 85K Ford pickup electric vehicle. Really cool but no way I pay 85k for a truck. my 2019 Rami Hemi 4wd Big Horn purchased new for 35.4 out the door serves me fine. I was wondering however, what happens when he submerges the rear tires/wheel almost to the top when he has to drop his boat in at the ramp? WIll the salt water affect any of the components that get submerged? He had no idea and I was just curious.

The battery packs are usually sealed extremely tight. I am sure Ford thought of this. Though if you have to completely dunk your rear wheels to launch a boat - you probably need to revisit a few things.
He says the water gets down real low.....I'd avoid like the plague!
So here is a question on towing. I took a ride in my neighbor's new 85K Ford pickup electric vehicle. Really cool but no way I pay 85k for a truck. my 2019 Rami Hemi 4wd Big Horn purchased new for 35.4 out the door serves me fine. I was wondering however, what happens when he submerges the rear tires/wheel almost to the top when he has to drop his boat in at the ramp? WIll the salt water affect any of the components that get submerged? He had no idea and I was just curious.
EV's are closer to submarines than regular vehicles are.......

<--Not a Lightning, but you'll get the idea.
The battery packs are usually sealed extremely tight. I am sure Ford thought of this. Though if you have to completely dunk your rear wheels to launch a boat - you probably need to revisit a few things.
Yea, things like rear diff fluid and U-Joint lubrication become suspect if frequently submerged. Standard 4wd stuff IMO. You can prep ahead of time with additional grease, and moving vent hoses to higher altitudes on the chassis and things like that. Doubt anyone does that though.
The battery packs are usually sealed extremely tight. I am sure Ford thought of this. Though if you have to completely dunk your rear wheels to launch a boat - you probably need to revisit a few things.

You gotta watch some Credit Card Captains my friend.
Wow. Impressive but stupid lol

I've launched that far in distance, but never that far in depth. Was easily 100yrds out at Lake Douglas many years ago with my Yukon, but the gravel ramp I was using didn't even have the water up to the running boards yet.
You gotta watch some Credit Card Captains my friend.
Just tried to go watch that dude......Holy crap he mumbles and is impossible to listen to.
Really wish I could on board with RAM products. The exterior looks sharp, and they appear to be a decent value.

Feels alot like a moped though......lot of fun to ride until your friends see you do it :D :D

Could be worse, you could be seen in an electric jellybean. :P
Could be worse, you could be seen in an electric jellybean. :p
Naw, they quit making the GTO years ago (and the cavalier everyone thinks it was based on).
Naw, they quit making the GTO years ago (and the cavalier everyone thinks it was based on).

You best not be speaking ill of thr GTO. That was the coolest Grand Prox that Australia could offer. Also a great car and I really liked them, lol.