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100% agree.kneejerk reaction I LOVE IT
Oh It's gotta be in the $75-80k range for the RST.interior is gorgeous.
waiting on price now really. GOT TO BE over 70 to start I bet.
available summer 2024 in the fine print lol
GM has always been big on identity across the brand. Can't remember how many times I heard people hate on the GTO's because they looked like big cavaliers.I hate everything about it lol looks like a truck Camaro. On a plus it’s still better looking than what they currently have.
They're talking about a 2023 availability I think. I missed that part.WAAAAAT?! i got pulled away at work.
If it hits the market soon, I think its a win!
kudos to GM.
Reservation confirmed. That was a bit painful and took 3 attempts....maybe I have 3 reservations. I'm guessing heavy demand cratered their servers.
Just reservered mine as well.Reservation confirmed. That was a bit painful and took 3 attempts....maybe I have 3 reservations. I'm guessing heavy demand cratered their servers.
WAAAAAT?! i got pulled away at work.
If it hits the market soon, I think its a win!
kudos to GM.