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Towing with Tesla Model X

interior is gorgeous.

waiting on price now really. GOT TO BE over 70 to start I bet.

available summer 2024 in the fine print lol
I hate everything about it lol looks like a truck Camaro. On a plus it’s still better looking than what they currently have.
kneejerk reaction I LOVE IT
100% agree.

I was in on Rivian.......I'll wait for the Silverado now. Midgate coming back is amazing.

Chatting with the wife in the other window on the premise of how many nights on the couch I'll have to spend to get a deposit in.
interior is gorgeous.

waiting on price now really. GOT TO BE over 70 to start I bet.

available summer 2024 in the fine print lol
Oh It's gotta be in the $75-80k range for the RST.

I'll want some less aggressive wheel/tire packages.....hopefully that's an option.
Starting BASE WT priced at $40k
I hate everything about it lol looks like a truck Camaro. On a plus it’s still better looking than what they currently have.
GM has always been big on identity across the brand. Can't remember how many times I heard people hate on the GTO's because they looked like big cavaliers.

I love the midgate came back.

Digging the Trail Boss sneak peeks as well.

They never mentioned the cost on the RST :(
WAAAAAT?! i got pulled away at work.

If it hits the market soon, I think its a win!

kudos to GM.
They're talking about a 2023 availability I think. I missed that part.

I can guarantee the RST won't be that cheap.
They included a lot of thoughtful touches. I love that pass-through to the main cabin, and that they included the cool folding tailgate. I like that the exterior design is a bit different from mainstream.
Theyre losing me with the personal drone and weird car. Cool but...

build something that works first guys lol

I have a meeting at 1. Guess I won't be the first in line for a Silverado. Will have to reserve later this afternoon.......depending on the buy in of course.
Yeah, 2023 availability from what I saw.
Ok, the spokeswomans hands get the MVP vote from me. Shes got that emphasis hand gesture movement DOWN. LOL
yeah I see the 2023 now. The disclaimer I saw is gone. excellent.

I missed some stuff, did they mention anything about their own charge network? I really like this truck a LOT but Thats STILL my hangup vs the Tesla stuff.
I didn't see anything about a Chevy charge network but I was dual tasking and didn't hear every word. Biden is committing to an expanded universal network and 2024 (being realistic here) can allow for a lot of development.
I think I put in a reservation. Website is acting a little funny.
Reservation confirmed. That was a bit painful and took 3 attempts....maybe I have 3 reservations. I'm guessing heavy demand cratered their servers.
Reservation confirmed. That was a bit painful and took 3 attempts....maybe I have 3 reservations. I'm guessing heavy demand cratered their servers.


I really think I would if the charging situation was a little different. Im not the biggest Chevy guy, they've been phoning it in for years, but I really dig this truck.

I like it a little more than the Ford, and about the same as the Rivian.
Reservation confirmed. That was a bit painful and took 3 attempts....maybe I have 3 reservations. I'm guessing heavy demand cratered their servers.
Just reservered mine as well.

Got a couple years to figure out how to pay for it now.

Don't tell my wife.