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Am I crazy towing 2000 mi on OEM trailer tires, 2024 Yamaha ar250

Very important! I think the stock Carlisle tires in mine were 81 mph and the Goodyear’s are 87 mph. The speed limit here is 80 mph and I have towed that fast but most of the time it’s 65 to 70 mph on long trips.
I thought they were more like 65 not 81. I remember thinking about exceeding the limit on them a lot and I don’t tow over 80.
I thought they were more like 65 not 81. I remember thinking about exceeding the limit on them a lot and I don’t tow over 80.

Yeah I remember looking up the speed rating on the Carlisle’s that came on mine and I was surprised at how high it was. I still have one as the spare, I’ll try and remember to look it up later and post the link.