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    Membership allows you to ask questions (no matter how mundane), meet up with other jet boaters, see full images (not just thumbnails), browse the member map and qualifies you for members only discounts offered by vendors who run specials for our members only! (It also gets rid of this banner!)

    free hit counter

What watersports products are you interested in?

  • Total voters
This last week I spent a little time negotiating a partnership with Jet Pilot. Jet Pilot, (not to be confused with JetBoatPilot) has a huge variety of vests, comp vests, dog vests, wet suits, and apparel. Vests range in size from infant and up.

Any Jet Pilot fans out there? I was thinking about building out some package deals with larger discounts for outfitting your families or folks trying to outfit their new boats. Who's looking? What are your thoughts on their products?

Manufacturer website: LIVE.RIDE.ESCAPE

We're going to win your business by providing you with the best deals possible on these brands.
Looks cool, have you seen it in action?...
I've not seen it in person, but I've seen it all over my Instagram feed lately. It looks pretty awesome! Slingshot is a big name in the kite and windsurfing.

There's a competing wing made by Robby Naish
Here's the real version :p

We don't have any of their kites or wings in our inventory, but we do have do have that ability for anyone looking.
Expecting to hear back on our account status with Jet Pilot/Body Golve today on our account and ordering status.

I also have a phone call planned with the area rep. from O'Brien today. *fingers crossed*
Filling out the dealer agreement with O'Brien... kind of a big deal... I'm geeking out a little bit!
New O'Brien inventory has arrived and available for on our site purchase soon!

HAZE v2 & FX v2
I have a feeling this board will be a ripper

Other items soon available
  • Floating sectional ski ropes
  • Floating Wakeboard ropes
  • LOTS wakesurf ropes
  • Black Magic Kneeboard
  • Versa v2
Arriving soon
  • Valhalla wakeboard
  • Pixel wakeboard
  • System youth size wakeboard
  • Trainer skis
  • Royal & Pike wakesurf boards
Stay tuned, awesome introductory pricing on EVERYTHING!