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Great job! I had to grease up my splines, wiggle and LIGHTLY tap for the shaft to go back in. It wouldn't go without a little tap behind it.
Pay close attention to the seals as you put them back in. I am guessing this was a salt water boat. I think the last few that couldn't get the shaft out were. Even without salt water intrusion, just that salt air must really play havoc on those splines and seal seats, because they seem to be trashed. Glad you got it out, and hope you can salvage the bulk of it without having to replace most of the pump. You sure can try cleaning up the housings with the pump seats and see if that helps.
well no luck at any of the watercraft sops in the area i'll have to order first thing monday morning from sbt. you would think these items would be instock in bulk haha. as for the splines the are perfect i don't really understand why it was stuck. i will grease the hell out of the when it goes back together.
nice i will check that out. i found all the parts on boats.net for $80.00 think thats the best price around? if so i'll have them over nighted.
Please take lots of pictures for the next guy that will have to do this.
I haven't forgot about you guys. I have't put the boat back together yet. I'm waiting on a shaft removal tool.