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Ok my stator clearly move without the impeller moving and the impaller and shaft won't slide out
Ok my stator clearly move without the impeller moving and the impaller and shaft won't slide out

Do you have any photos of the current state of the pump?
My guess is you need to give it some "encouragement" to break free. Since I assume it has been in salt water, the shaft is probably stuck to the splines.
which part are you referring to as the stator,

A number of members have had to use the tabs on the housing to pry against, look and you will see them, be careful but persuasion may be necessary. Calling those members that have had to persuade them!
I will take some pics. My thought was it needed some encouragement as well but I placed a pry bar against the front of th e impeller and smacked it with a rubber Mallott but it doesn't budge. Definitely this the bearing s in the pump are shot the housing wobble s around while the impeller doesn't move
Number 6. sorry I thought it was called a stator. The good news is I don't have any fishing line on the shaft or something stuck in the impeller haha
I tell you what you mentioned cone nut . I was going to look in there next because the impeller as I said sits put and I can pull the cone housing in and out a few inches . Enough to see the back of the impeller. I font think that should be the case.
ok this shaft will not slide out. and i can't get photos to upload
I think I found the source of the vibration but this thing still doesn't come off even without the nut on it and the impeller shaft will not come out

Yup...looks like the cone bearing is shot. I wish I could find the thread/post where one member discussed how hard it was for him to get the pump and impeller to come off. He literally hooked his car up to it with a rope, and padded towels on the back of the car and pulled. All of a sudden it broke free and either did hit his car or came close! It may end up being that hard! Step one will be to spray something like PBblaster on the end of the shaft where the splines are (see schematic above).
yeah this is crazy I sprayed some stuff in earlier today and she just will not budge right now I'm trying to get the housing off the cone bearing housing. I do so appreciate all the help I was on the other forum and never got any of this kind of help
My bearings were trashed and I had a hell of a time removing the shaft. I had to use a hand sledge and long bolt that went up through the intake grate and rested in the impeller near the shaft. Then I beat and beat and beat some more! It (the entire assembly of shaft,impeller and housing) finally came out and discovered that I needed to replace the shaft, bearings, seals and impeller! Get ready for the same.
yeah this is crazy I sprayed some stuff in earlier today and she just will not budge right now I'm trying to get the housing off the cone bearing housing. I do so appreciate all the help I was on the other forum and never got any of this kind of help
That's because we've all moved from that site to here ;)

Sorry that you're having this kind of issue. I guess it's safe to assume that this isn't the pump that the dealer rebuilt. But at least you know you'll have two pumps as good as new when you're all done. Hang in there. You've come to the right place to get the help/advice you need.
I agree with @Scottintexas , even with a bad pump bearing the whole assembly should come out. Maybe the bad pump bearing is causing the front of the shaft to be misaligned in the intermediate bearing such that the splines of the shaft are binding in that bearing. Assuming this is the case I would pull the spark plugs on the associated engine and try to spin the shaft by hand a few degrees at a time, between each turn/partial turn try pulling the assembly out hoping to catch a break by getting the shaft in a position where its splines won't bind or would bind less in the intermediate bearing.

I recall reading some threads where the pump bearing needed to be replaced, I looks like removing the bearing is a pita and it is only half of the job, you are going to need a press to reinstall the pump bearing. Looking for a used pump maybe the more cost effective solution. Incidentally, the pumps on yamaha's fx waverunner line from the same generation are almost exactly the same, I believe the pump itself is identical, the differences are in the reverse bucket design. My local pwc shop got me a used pump for $250. They checked the bearing simply by removing the cone to inspect the bearing itself.
I was able to get it all out after removing the intake grate and ride plate,then using a tie rod fork I beat on it with a hammer and it just popped after a few blows and slid right out. I assume the seals forward of the thru hull reusable. Now the pump I had to press everything out and man at a few points I thought this housing is going to crack,but it came out. Then I beat out the bad bearing races. Now I'm off to see if my local shops have the rebuild kit in stock.

The shoulder in the pump housing that limits the seals depth is shot so I will have to eyeball that and I have some sort of thing on the shaft behind the impeller I'm not sure if it needs to come out.


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Seal area


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Wow, I think you are a bad ass for having done all you have done so far. We have different boats but I didn't see anything like that when I upgraded my impellers a few months ago, just a sealed bearing under the impeller, at least that is what I thought it was.

Anyway, check out this parts diagram from yamaha sports plaza. It is for your boat's model and year so I hope you find it helpful.

By the way, I've heard references to part 7 being the stator as well (mechanical not electrical), the fins are pitched opposite those of the impeller and they are supposed to counter the torque produced by the impeller, or so I've read and believe.

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Haha thanks for the compliment. I am very mechanically inclined I was not familiar with this drive system so I didn't want to break anything. So yeah I thought I read somewhere it was called a stator. Now if I cam press ot all back together without messing it up lol.