First day with the wake booster.
Winning combination so far:
Both rear internal ballast full. Empty ski locker. 540 bag centered on the top swim platform.
Wife and four small kids = less than 400 lbs people.
210 lbs, 37 yo, cwb ride board.
Video here:
I am able to surf ropeless carving for a very long period of time. I used to run an additional 1000 lb bag on the rear floor but with the wake booster I do not need that bag and my wave is nearly as big. That 1000 lb bag was a pain in the ass to fill and drain with a big and impatient family in the boat - no more.
I’m done spending money and time on tuning the wave. I’m happy where it’s at and my neighbor 2 slips down just got a new VLX with all the options and has no idea how to use it and insists that I go out with him every time.