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Wake surfing fail...

This guy is WHACK !!!

All we care about is the last 3 seconds, especially if a face plant is involved,

The board is important but really your foot balance, i found at first having a very wide stance helped me get weight on my front foot, also finally throwing the rope put my body in a whole new stance for balance, for me it really is like a balance ball with a board on it

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Good points here. Widening your stance increases your control of the gas and brake. With your feet to close together you'll be too heavy on either one or the other. It will allow you to shift your weight without losing your balance.

With your feet farther apart your hips become your center of gravity. If you need more gas, shift your hips forward. Need more gas, bend your front knee pressing your foot down on the board. The reverse process for braking.

Crashing is the MOST entertaining part of learning.
I will get a video up next time we are out. Taking a break this weekend and going camping in the mountains lol
Great suggestions here ..... Last Sun my 16yr old son and 13yr daughter tired to wakeboard with no success. They gave up for the day after trying several times as they were complaining about their hands hurtIng so we are getting gloves and will try again next weekend. This is their first time. I want to get them comfortable with the wakeboard before moving on to the surfboard. Let me know if this logic is not correct as I don’t know which is easier for beginners?

The other Q I have for the experts, can you tell me what should the rope length be for wakeboarding and for surfboardIng? I am attaching to the tower. Thx
Great suggestions here ..... Last Sun my 16yr old son and 13yr daughter tired to wakeboard with no success. They gave up for the day after trying several times as they were complaining about their hands hurtIng so we are getting gloves and will try again next weekend. This is their first time. I want to get them comfortable with the wakeboard before moving on to the surfboard. Let me know if this logic is not correct as I don’t know which is easier for beginners?

The other Q I have for the experts, can you tell me what should the rope length be for wakeboarding and for surfboardIng? I am attaching to the tower. Thx

Do they downhill ski or snowboard? Is there someone in your crew that can show them how to do it (always better in person than watching you tube).

1. Do some drills on the ground. Get them used to the rope and pull them up. Make sure they learn to keep their arm straight as their legs extend.
2. Get them used to (on the ground still) to starting square to the boat (rope puller). The board will naturally rotate
3. Make sure they understand there is no rush to stand up. They can stay crouched all day long
4. As the board starts floating, it will naturally rotate. I teach beginners to bring their hands to their hip. It's not an ideal riding position but what it does is it forces them to keep their arms straight to reach their hip. Otherwise, they tug on the rope, the rope tugs back and the boat wins.
5. Never let a beginner get to the point where they get discouraged. If they look tired after 3-4 tries, get someone else in the water and let them take a brake.

The day before my daughter went up for the first time, we did all the ground drills and I got her to the point where she had memorized the 3 steps to getting up. Got up on her first try.

a) stay in a ball, arms straight
b) count to 3 before getting up, count to 3 while getting up
c) hands to the hip once I'm up

Shawn Murray used to have a good video on youtube, try to find it.

WIth beginners, it's important to have an experienced driver that can read how the skier/boarder is doing and adjust the thrust accondingly. Get them used to a bit of drag and dynamic balancing before trying to pull them up. Ensure they can stay crouched while being dragged very slowly.

I scan the water for hazards first then either read them in the mirror or by looking over my shoulder directly. Until they get used to it, you are a team. If they fail, the driver failed!

For wakeboarding, I use about 65-70' to ensure they get no spray. Beginners don't like spray!

For wakesurfing, I'm 2 off (2 loops of the end) on my rope. You will have to figure out for your wave and your boat what the ideal length is. For a beginner, I want the rope dragging in the water either just in the max push area up to 2 feet behind, no more. Another good trick for beginner wakesurfers is tying the rope to the side of the tower. In case the driver has trouble keeping them outside the wake while learning to get up, it gives them a figthting chance away from the water jet. I always start with a turn towards the rider side to keep them out of the wake until they are up and steady.
Great suggestions here ..... Last Sun my 16yr old son and 13yr daughter tired to wakeboard with no success. They gave up for the day after trying several times as they were complaining about their hands hurtIng so we are getting gloves and will try again next weekend. This is their first time. I want to get them comfortable with the wakeboard before moving on to the surfboard. Let me know if this logic is not correct as I don’t know which is easier for beginners?

The other Q I have for the experts, can you tell me what should the rope length be for wakeboarding and for surfboardIng? I am attaching to the tower. Thx
I think it's fine to start them on whatever they're willing to try. My oldest (12) learned to wakeboard last year and has made a couple attempts to so surf this season. I'm willing to let them try whatever interests them and whatever seems least intimidating to them.

As for the ropes most wakeboard ropes are about 70' and can be shortened. When they're just learning 60'-70' is fine. Once they progress and want to start jumping, you can shorten it up to the sweet spot right after the jetwash.

Wakesurf ropes are typically 24'-25'. You'll want to shorten it up to about 20'-22'. You want to start near the sweet spot on the wave so you don't have to pull yourself into it and not be holding onto a bunch of slack. Avoid looping the rope to eliminate the risk of getting caught in it when you or they fall.
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@marcham is pretty spot on. The video he mentioned is probably here in this playlist if Shaun Murray's instructional videos.

With my boy, I put him in the water with his board on and had him hold the end of the rope. I sat on the lower deck with his board against my feet and helped coach him in squatting on his heels and keeping his arms staight. Doing it on the ground is great because you can pull actually practice pulling them to their feet.
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Thank you @marcham and @J-RAD, this is AWESOME! ???

were going to have the kids watch this, practice on ground, and try this next time.
I struggled to get up then watched the Shaun Murray videos and was instantly up and improving. Have them watch the first 5 and their experience will change significantly. Have them watch video 3 and 4 a few times before you go out and they will pop right up and start moving around more comfortably.
Another question: Sometimes I find the board sinking into the water (obviously while I am holding onto the rope). Sometimes I can recover it and sometimes it just sinks and I fall off lol Thoughts?
Another question: Sometimes I find the board sinking into the water (obviously while I am holding onto the rope). Sometimes I can recover it and sometimes it just sinks and I fall off lol Thoughts?

I'm guessing we're back to talking about surfing,
what's your board and length?
what's your weight?

Obviously at some point physics takes over, I would guess your lack of speed is allowing you to sink, if you've always got the rope in your hand it's easy to weave in/out and play but at some point loose momentum/speed and start sinking,

If your sinking while being pulled in a straight line at a constant speed then we have another issue,

I'm guessing we're back to talking about surfing,
what's your board and length?
what's your weight?

Obviously at some point physics takes over, I would guess your lack of speed is allowing you to sink, if you've always got the rope in your hand it's easy to weave in/out and play but at some point loose momentum/speed and start sinking,

If your sinking while being pulled in a straight line at a constant speed then we have another issue,


Yes I guess it's probably a speed issue.
I'm on a slingshot coaster 5.0. I'm 145 lbs (used to be 138 but gained some weight with the gym closed) lol

Right after standing up sometimes I sink. I think it's a speed issue with my driver lol
Right after standing up sometimes I sink. I think it's a speed issue with my driver lol

Driver, definitely,

that happens to me often, my daughter doesn't accelerate enough, she hits it, pops me up but then she slow to get from 6mph up to 11, I have to tell her full throttle and then back down or I just learn to keep boarded tilted, weight backwards and steering the board out from the wake,

Gatlin wake wedge, stock ballast filled, and a 800 lb bag on the swim deck surf side and a 540 lb bag on the interior rear seat surf side :)
I keep seeing these set-ups for 21'+ size boats. Is it possible for a 19' boat to create a wake for surfing? I had an Axis A22 before - but my ex husband now has it (from the divorce). I miss wake surfing so bad.
I keep seeing these set-ups for 21'+ size boats. Is it possible for a 19' boat to create a wake for surfing? I had an Axis A22 before - but my ex husband now has it (from the divorce). I miss wake surfing so bad.

IDK. I think 19 boats might struggle to get up to speed with all that ballast.
Im not too sure to be honest.
I keep seeing these set-ups for 21'+ size boats. Is it possible for a 19' boat to create a wake for surfing? I had an Axis A22 before - but my ex husband now has it (from the divorce). I miss wake surfing so bad.
There are a few threads here on the topic. Many have been successful. I've sold several wakesurf boards to owners of 19' Yamaha's. It takes some investment.

Test out the search function and see what you can find. Here's a couple:

I think there's some examples in here:
Slow, soft, gentle acceleration on the throttles.
Jet boats a are very powerful.
Almost throttle up as slow as you can.
We were ripping the ropes out of people hands for many years.
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How do you guys fill your ballast? I can't seem to be able to let go of the rope. Every time I do I just sink. I have a wake booster on that side. I was just curious what everyone's percentages on the ballast were.