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Wakeboard vs wakesurf

Yeah. My old rope was a bit too close because i was landing in the flats. I bought some uhmwpe cord, 2200lb test to get back a few more feet.
Yeah. My old rope was a bit too close because i was landing in the flats. I bought some uhmwpe cord, 2200lb test to get back a few more feet.

I read that as 220lb test the first 3 times I looked at it. Had a long reply on "GET STRONGER ROPE"......then realized it's 2200lb test.

I'll go back three spaces on the game board as a penalty :D :D
Yeah. Only 1/8". Cool stuff.
emma kites EMMAKITES 2200lbs 100 feet 3mm 100% UHMWPE Braided Polyethylene Cord Spool - Heavy Duty Low Stretch - Outdoor Utility Cord Kitesurfing String Boating Fishing Speargun Shooting Line https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NAIZU2C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_k99UBbB206VY7
Thats some cool stuff. Never made my own wake rope before, but this might happen for me.

Was out on Sunday riding and realized I need about 3-4ft shorter rope. I'm just after the "clean" break on the wake when riding. I also ahd two extra people on board than normal so the wake was a little larger than normal. It's amazing what ~350lbs in the rear seats did to change the shape of the wake (and the handling/response of the boat).

On the same topic of ballast......Has anyone with a 190 tried the 19ft swim platform bag? Just curious if the non-SC motor has enough grunt to even get to speed. While emptying the ski locker of water the other day (see other thread for detail on that crap), I spent 10-15min at ~11mph. The wave behind the boat looked huge. Wasn't shaped real great, but it looked decently sized. I'm curious if you could surf with a single non-sc boat. Hull shape are the same, so I would think if the non-sc motor has the power, and the pump has the traction, I should be able to surf right? I'd love to try, but not sure I want to be $1k deep into something that might not work at all.
Was out on Sunday riding and realized I need about 3-4ft shorter rope. I'm just after the "clean" break on the wake when riding. I also ahd two extra people on board than normal so the wake was a little larger than normal. It's amazing what ~350lbs in the rear seats did to change the shape of the wake (and the handling/response of the boat).[/QUOTE said:
How to shorten your rope without a knot

I still think there are few things in live more thrilling than ropeless surfing (in particular - behind your own boat!) but wakeboarding is a great form of exercise!
It's a great workout, like rowing but - on steroids, and it makes you use muscles you didn't even know you had!
At least that's how I feel, after a couple of runs pulling my phat butt across water.

........ I remember that guy...Parks Bonifay?(SP?) I Worked a night shift job, would watch all the x sports on espn2 when it first came out. wakeboarding freestyle was fun to watch...........

If anyone is interested, there's a Q&A with Parks Bonifay in the latest issue of Boating Magazine. I'll see if I can grab a screen shot and post it if anyone is interested.