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Wakebooster Installation

My u-bolts are 2-1/8” from the gel coat to the end of the u-bolt. What are yours?

Mine are 1-59/64 port and 1-55/64 strbd from the bottom of the U to the fiberglass.

After a little sanding about 1/10 off the flat part on the top of the pin, the attachment pin fits both sides now.
Mine was tight, but wiggiling the booster around allowed me to get the pin in, but is not easy by any means. It seems a little better in the water, not sure why :) I have not messed with the bolts on u-bolts, but may take a look as many folks pointed to that as the correct solution.
Anyone having problem with the pin? When you push the blue button, is supposed to allow the ball bearings to move in and let the pin come out. When I look at it, pushing the blue end button in, locks the two ball. Isn't this backwards?
I suspect your eye bolts need to be adjusted slightly. Loosen a turn or two inside.
Having same issue with mine. Does anyone know if the bolt that tightens with the hand knob is supposed to go all the way through the other eye hole to the boat hull? Seems like that would make it hold better.
Having same issue with mine. Does anyone know if the bolt that tightens with the hand knob is supposed to go all the way through the other eye hole to the boat hull? Seems like that would make it hold better.
Look at this pic. pin on one side of the U and the knob on the other side.
Look at this pic. pin on one side of the U and the knob on the other side.
View attachment 148683
No way you would get that to the other side of the eye hook. The knob goes on the outside and the pin goes on the inside of the eye hook. It is a snug fit and that Pin can be a bear to get in and out. In fact, I have stopped using the pin and just make sure the know is tightened down good and always attach the float (in the off chance the booster falls off). Not using the pin has saved me a lot of time and aggrevation, and I have had zero issues.
No way you would get that to the other side of the eye hook. The knob goes on the outside and the pin goes on the inside of the eye hook. It is a snug fit and that Pin can be a bear to get in and out. In fact, I have stopped using the pin and just make sure the know is tightened down good and always attach the float (in the off chance the booster falls off). Not using the pin has saved me a lot of time and aggrevation, and I have had zero issues.
Do you keep the float on while in use or just when attaching it?
Do you keep the float on while in use or just when attaching it?
I keep the float on while using it - just attach to the cleat and it rests on the side of the boat - Ill post a picture once the weather is warmer and we get on the water :)
I tighten my bolts and now the large pin fits. It is very tight. Now the only problem I have is the small pin does not lock in place. The 2 small ball bearings are not enough to keep in from pulling out. Yamaha can do better than this.
I tighten my bolts and now the large pin fits. It is very tight. Now the only problem I have is the small pin does not lock in place. The 2 small ball bearings are not enough to keep in from pulling out. Yamaha can do better than this.
Sounds like a warranty issue. Mine has no problem inserting and is locked into place.